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PESTLE Analysis Of The External Business Environment Of Tesco

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PESTLE Analysis Of The External Business Environment Of Tesco

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Nutritious products without any genetically modified ingredients in contrast to additives in the meat industry: Beyond Meat makes all of their products from solely natural ingredients, like plant protein, soy and other plant-based products. This is a big strength for the company as it gives Beyond Meat the Tewco to manufacture its products from existing plant-based products, which is a great way to increase the trust of the customer in the brand. The company is also able to avoid the criticism of using genetically modified products in any of their vegan meat offerings.

GMOs in vegan meats have been a source of criticism for the industry since inception.

Comprehensive SWOT & PESTLE Research Reports

By shifting to a completely natural plant-based ingredient list, Beyond Meat is able to create a point of differentiation within the vegan meat industry for itself. This gives the company the extra edge that is needed to stay ahead of the competition.

PESTLE Analysis Of The External Business Environment Of Tesco

This is also an advantage that Beyond Meat has over animal meat products, as the animal meat industry has been riddled with controversy surrounding the use of artificial additives in the livestock feed. Good replication of meat in all aspects, including nutrition, flavour and appearance: With the use of cutting-edge technologies and extensive research and development over many different disciplines, Beyond Meat has been able to successfully replicate the taste, texture and nutrition of conventional meat products. This is here very formidable strength of the company because of the fact, that the most important target customer group for Beyond Meat are conventional meat eaters who may likely switch from the traditional animal-based milk to a vegan or plant-based meat source.

These meat eaters who are probably on the fence about choosing between conventional animal-based or vegan plant-based protein sources will be looking for good replication both in terms of flavour and consistency and also in terms of the nutritional aspects provided by both the options.

About Beyond Meat :

Beyond meat has an advantage in this aspect as it is successfully able to replicate all properties of conventional meat without involving any animal protein or additive. The remaining section under "Strengths" is available only in the 'Complete Report' on purchase.

Weakness This section is available only in the 'Complete Report' on purchase. Opportunity This section is available only in 'Complete Report' Enviironment purchase. Threat This section is available only in the 'Complete Report' on purchase.]

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