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Main article: Philadelphia Eagles season remains the most celebrated year in Eagle history. Shaw, Van Brocklin and Chuck Bednarik each in his last season before retirement led a team more notable for its grit than its talent one observer later quipped that the team had "nothing but a championship" to its first division title since On December 26, , one of the coldest days in recorded Philadelphia history, the Eagles faced Vince Lombardi 's Green Bay Packers in the NFL title game and dealt the mighty Lombardi the sole championship game loss of his storied career. Bednarik lined up at center on offense and at linebacker on defense. Fittingly, the game ended as Bednarik tackled a struggling Jim Taylor and refused to allow him to stand until the last seconds had ticked away. That promise, however, proved illusory. Despite the on-the-field success, however, the franchise was in turmoil. Van Brocklin had come to Philadelphia and agreed to play through with the tacit understanding that, upon his retirement as a player, he would succeed Shaw as head coach. Ownership, however, opted to promote assistant Nick Skorich instead, and Van Brocklin quit the organization in a fit of pique, instead becoming head coach of the expansion Minnesota Vikings.

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Click an image to see a larger version and description on the DogsBite. Michigan - A woman recently emailed us parts of her attack story, both she and her Goldendoodle were viciously attacked by a pit bull while visiting a state park. She was with her husband and friends sitting around her fire pit at her campsite when the pit bull suddenly appeared. She said she would have posted her photos to her own Facebook page, but "Amazingly," she wrote, "my friends and family have already been cruel enough in defending the 'friendliness' of pit bulls. He walked between all of us and the fire pit, passed my dog, turned around, stood in front of him for a second then attacked him. He brought him down and my dog went submissive, got several wounds on his stomach. Then the pit bull dragged him by his head. When I tried to save my dog, he came after me. People can't believe a little pound pit bull could bring down my pound Goldendoodle. Michael Vick Essays Michael Vick Essays

When: June 6, ; p. How: Multiple stab wounds You might read such straightforward facts in a short newspaper article or hear them in a brief news report on the radio; if the person was Michael Vick Essays famous, the narrative might sound like this: Mark Smith was found stabbed to death at p. Next, imagine that you are the detective called out to investigate the crime scene, which will, of course, demand that you also write and file a report of your findings. In fact, many people who go into law enforcement are shocked to discover how much writing such a job regularly entails.

Take a moment to visualize the five facts, and then pick up a pen or turn to your keyboard and write for five or continue reading minutes as if you were that detective.

In writing up the case whoops, I have given you a clueyou may add or invent as many details as you see fit, but you may not alter the given facts. Go ahead. Get started on writing your report of the murder scene. Michael Vick Essays come back and read the next section.

Where does it end? What details did you omit? From such shows, and from detective movies or fiction, we get a glimpse not only into the work detectives are likely to do but also the language they choose. Gradually, and ever so subtly, we internalize this detectivespeak, which is more than just the jargon they use.

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Michael Vick Essays is the terminology used by those in a particular profession or group to facilitate clear and precise communication, but this rhetorical tool is not limited just to the professional world. For example, anyone who participates in a sport uses the lingo specific to that sport, which is learned by doing. Doctors use medical jargon and lawyers use legal jargon, and they go to school specifically to learn the terms and abbreviations of Michael Vick Essays professions; so do detectives. If you use any kind of slang words, you, too, use jargon, but if you studied these words in a book, they are probably not very hip or at least not very au courant.

For slang is different in that it maintains a currency in a dual sense: it strives to be current, and it circulates among a select network of users.

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Jargon does not fall victim to Michael Vick Essays so easily as slang does, but it does have a similar effect in that they both exclude those outside of the community who do not understand the meanings of the words. When you write an academic paper, you are practicing how to use the Michael Vick Essays you have internalized through studying that discipline as you write for professors and students within that field. Getting back to the detective writing. Every piece of writing needs a starting point and a perspective, it is true, and the demands of the genre—in this instance the reports of detectives— shaped the very first words of your response.

This is why I say with confidence that you worked your magic with more than just detective jargon.

Understanding Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

As much as I wish I could chat with you about the report you wrote, I cannot. We were the first to arrive on the scene. Upon arrival, we noted the cadaver was facing down and had multiple stab wounds. Mere coincidence? I think not. Michael Vick Essays obey the conventions of the genre which is a word Mlchael will gradually define. All of these opening sentences note some kind of phone call that gets them to the scene of the crime, all of them establish more specifically the location, all of them note precise times which could be of significanceall of them are in first person, and two of our Michael Vick Essays work with partners. While the similarities continue to multiply as the three reports unfold, we can discern from these few sentences alone that writers attend to how Essqys Murder!

Rhetorically Speaking 91 order their information and that writers can aspire towards objectivity even when writing in the first person.

Michael Vick Essays

Since detectives are trained observers who search for clues to aid in the investigation of a crime, they provide written, first-hand accounts of the tangible evidence they find. They also speculate as to what might have motivated the criminal to perpetrate the crime. In short, detectives have an agenda: in their reports, our three student-detectives try to identify the victim, establish injuries and cause of death, and look for signs Michael Vick Essays foul play. They also hope to interview witnesses to corroborate their findings, and one lucky detective does. Through his diction, or choice of words, Imyanitov establishes a tone for his report that is formal, objective, inquisitive, and tentative all at the same time.

The coroner must do a full examination of the corpse and, what else, Michael Vick Essays up a report trust me, there are few jobs out there that do not require writing.

Michael Vick Essays

Really— go, write, and come back.]

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