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Tom Vilsack Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Monday that President Biden has no plans to cut red meat consumption as part of his efforts to combat climate change, Politico reports. Get market news worthy of your time with Axios Markets. Subscribe for free. The claims are rooted in an April academic study that showed how dietary changes can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. After some right-wing outlets painted the study as Biden's policy, Republican figures including Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Donald Trump Jr. Reality check: Biden has pledged to cut the U. Meat Consumption

Nevertheless, the world is expected to eat more meat in than ever before.

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The fastest growth will occur in low- Meat Consumption middle-income countries, where incomes are steadily climbing. After decades of public health campaigns in the US, beef consumption per capita has fallen substantially but still remains higher than in nearly any other country. Instead, policymakers and environmental groups should support efforts to develop alternative protein sources and low-impact methods of livestock production.

Meat Consumption

Meat replacements can only take us so far Gates is right that alternative meats can alleviate some of the problems that come from raising livestock. The carbon footprint of Consymption meats is lower than that of beef and pork and comparable to that of chicken and other poultry. The carbon footprint of cell-cultured meat also referred to as cultivated, lab-grown, or cell-based meat is still unclear, but early evidence suggests this food source will be less carbon-intensive than beef and could be comparable to chicken if produced with clean energy.

Meat Consumption must not Meat Consumption our hopes on the prospect of billions Meat Consumption people putting down their forks at once. There are other benefits, too. Alternative meats, in general, reduce land use and deforestation, protect biodiversity, produce less air and Conskmption pollution, mitigate the risks of antibiotic resistance and zoonotic pandemics, lower public health burdens associated with red-meat more info, and reduce concerns about animal welfare.

However, alternative meats like the Beyond Sausage and Impossible Burger can only moderately reduce livestock production. There are simply no plant- or cell-based substitutes that taste, look, and feel similar to whole meat cuts like pork chops or sirloin.

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And these whole cuts make Consjmption a large share of meat consumption. Public- and private-sector investments in alternative meats could spur the development of whole-cut alternatives. Countries such as Canada, Singapore, and Israel have already devoted Meat Consumption funds to such research. While alternative proteins are still quite new, their early success suggests they could make a positive long-term impact, especially as technological advances reduce prices and improve quality.

Yes No Climate-friendly livestock Investing in alternative meats is Meat Consumption part of the solution, though.

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Figuring out how to raise livestock without generating as many emissions is another critical piece of the puzzle. Even under the most optimistic scenarios for alternative-meat adoption, rising global demand for meat and other forms of protein means that livestock production will likely remain close to current levels. And even if it declines, lower-impact methods would still help reduce pollution and improve human health. Already, companies are working on some Meat Consumption ways for meat producers to cut emissions. Firms like the Swiss company Consumptioh are developing feed additives from sources ranging from lemongrass to red seaweed that can make cows burp less methane a potent greenhouse gasand companies like Burger King have advertised their support for such methods. Related Story Bill Gates: Rich nations should shift entirely to synthetic beef We spoke to the Microsoft cofounder about his new book, the limits of his optimism, the tech breakthroughs and energy policies we need—and Meat Consumption Rake Essays thinking on climate Conssumption has evolved.

Yet such efforts are also necessary Meat Consumption decarbonize agriculture quickly. And intensifying cattle production by, for instance, providing crop-based feeds and raising pasture productivity is one of our greatest opportunities to reduce global agricultural land use and emissions. Many of these options remain cost-prohibitive today, or are poorly researched and poorly understood by livestock producers.

Meat Consumption

In some countries such as the US, government sources fund most research into livestock. The agencies that administer that funding already play a key role in helping farmers breed healthier, more productive cattle.]

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