Marble Research Paper -

Marble Research Paper - day, purpose

Order Now The unconditional probability of getting a red marble 1. Two draws will be made at random from a box containing 5 marbles , red, yellow, green, black and blue. Fill in the blanks using one options from each pair below for each sentence. A die is tossed 10 times, a. What is the chance of not getting a 6 spots? What is the chance of getting one of the 6 spots? What is the chance of getting five of the 6 spots? What is the chance of getting at least one of the 6 spots? A machine has been designed to toss a coin automatically and keep track of the number of heads. Marble Research Paper Marble Research Paper

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The deposit occurs as low-lying heterogeneous units under a humus-laden dark brown tropical soil within Igarra Schist Belt on south eastern Marble Research Paper of basement complex of southwestern Nigeria. The marble deposit occurs as lenses sandwiched between quartz-biotite schist, calc-silicate gneiss and polygenetic metaconglomerate intercalated with mica schist and quartzite all resting on ancient migmatite gneiss.

Marble Research Paper

The three colour variants of the marble which are white, grey, and foliated have average SiO2 contents of 2. In the same order, average CaO contents are Average loss on ignition LOI in white marble Chemical features of the marble deposit are comparable to similar Marble Research Paper types in Obajana and Ososo areas in Southwestern Nigeria.

The marble differs significantly from Igbeti marble deposit which is dolomitic in nature. Marble deposits from different parts of Nigeria basement exhibits variable Marble Research Paper features Mqrble are influenced by their protoliths, mode of formation and associated lithologies and forms the basis for various economic uses. Key words: Igue marble, lithological and compositional features, Igarra Schist Belt, Nigeria, calcitic. The first is related to igneous activities; the next two are sedimentary while marble is a metamorphic product of carbonaceous sediments subjected to high temperature and pressure.

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In the presence of chemically active Marble Research Paper, sedimentary carbonates are progressively transformed into marble through recrystallization starting at the grain boundaries. Under the influence of increased temperature and pressure, calcite in limestone changes to recrystallized interlocking minerals.

The chemical composition of any marble deposit will depend on the original limestone from which it is formed and the physicochemical conditions during such transformations. Marble is a metamorphic rock that is composed primarily of recrystallized carbonate minerals, most commonly calcite CaCO3 and dolomite Ca,Mg CO3 2. Marble may have colours ranging from pure white, grey, green, blue, or pink; it could also be foliated when its formation is accompanied Marble Research Paper Rewearch stress regimes. The nature of marble may depend on several factors dictated by the depositional environment, geochemical index prevailing during formation, degree of alteration or recrystallization, and composition of the original protolith.

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When it is formed from limestone with relatively few impurities, marble assumes a Marble Research Paper white colour. Marble could originate from contact metamorphism triggered by the thermal effects of magmatic activities on ancient limestone or dolostone. Most economic marble deposits in Nigeria are associated with the schist belts. The geology and occurrence of limestone and marble in Nigeria has been investigated Odeyemi Marble Research Paper al. The industrial application of some viable marble deposits in Nigeria have also been reported Okunlola et al.

Furthermore, resent publications on marble deposits around Igarra area include Obasi ; Egesi and Agomuo ; Oluwajana et al. However, Elueze et al.

Marble Research Paper

As revealed by scholars Scott and Dunham, Ofulume, ; Emofurieta and Ekuajemi,marble find applications in architectural, pharmaceutical, and agricultural industries. In addition, marble is useful in the manufacture of cement. In Nigeria, marble come next to limestone as primary Marble Research Paper of raw material for production of cement.

Marble also find applications in the manufacture of steel, glass, and chemicals, while household applications include ceramics, insecticides, toothpastes, cosmetics, paints, and paper manufacture.

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However, all applications listed Marble Research Paper for marble are directly related to lithologic and chemical properties. Hence, this research evaluates lithologic features and petrochemical characteristics of Igue marble that may be related to its petrogenesis. Geological setting Regional geology The geographical location of Nigeria within Pan-African reactivated domain indicates it falls on eastern side of West African craton and directly south of the Tuareg shield Figure 1.

The Marble Research Paper Pan-African belt is a collision type orogen, its evolution during Mesoproterozoic was triggered by eastward dipping subduction zone. The vast N-S trending domain was activated by a series of crustal extension which precipitated rifting of the continental block on eastern side of West African craton.

This activity produced graben-like structures vast enough to accommodate clastic and terrigenous sediments disaggregated from the crests and horsts of this rifted source into low-lying areas now representing present-day western Nigeria. These clastic units represent pelitic sedimentary sequences that are later metamorphosed to form components of the Nigeria schist belts Elueze, The continuous westward drift of continental slab across the Benioff zone in overlapping tectonic cycles resulted in closure of an ocean located on eastern side of West African craton about Ma.

As the continental plate is consumed at deeper regions of the earth, the overflowing remnant of upper continental crust accumulated at the edge of the subduction zone causing thickening of continental mass around Ghana-Togo-Nigeria axis and subsequent warping of the sediments.]

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