Lucius Cornelius Cinna Essays -

Lucius Cornelius Cinna Essays

Lucius Cornelius Cinna Essays - right! seems

He is often called "the richest man in Rome. Crassus began his public career as a military commander under Lucius Cornelius Sulla during his civil war. Following Sulla's assumption of the dictatorship , Crassus amassed an enormous fortune through real estate speculation. Crassus rose to political prominence following his victory over the slave revolt led by Spartacus , sharing the consulship with his rival Pompey the Great. A political and financial patron of Julius Caesar , Crassus joined Caesar and Pompey in the unofficial political alliance known as the First Triumvirate. Together, the three men dominated the Roman political system, but the alliance did not last long, due to the ambitions, egos, and jealousies of the three men. While Caesar and Crassus were lifelong allies, Crassus and Pompey disliked each other and Pompey grew increasingly envious of Caesar's spectacular successes in the Gallic Wars. The alliance was restabilized at the Lucca Conference in 56 BC, after which Crassus and Pompey again served jointly as consuls. Following his second consulship, Crassus was appointed as the governor of Roman Syria. Lucius Cornelius Cinna Essays.

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Cloaked in the semblance of being a democratically elected leader, Mugabe has rigged elections and even denied electoral results to stay in power. But now, Lucius Cornelius Cinna Essays after being removed from power and placed under house arrest by the military, he is resisting calls to resign. But in history there are relatively few examples of a dictator willingly giving up power. At the time he lived the 5th century BCthe plebeians, the lowest class, were fighting for rights against patrician political domination.

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Cincinnatus was elevated to suffect replacement consul, the highest elected office, when the consul Publius Valerius Poplicola was killed fighting the plebeians in BC. Dictators were only appointed in times of dire emergency. They were given far-reaching, kinglike Corneliks for a set term, after which they were meant to relinquish their title.

After dispatching Lucius Cornelius Cinna Essays Aequi, instead of exacting revenge on the plebeians for the death of his son, he gave up power and returned to his farm. Centuries later two powerful men, Lucius Cornelius Sulla and Link Marius, struggled for political domination in Rome.

Lucius Cornelius Cinna Essays

When Marius used dubious political means to remove Sulla from command of armies in 88BC, Sulla marched his army on Rome, an act that broke the law of a general not laying Lucius Cornelius Cinna Essays his imperium his power to command before entering Rome. While Sulla was away, Marius seized his opportunity and returned from exile at the head of an army, marching into Rome in 86BC. While Marius settled for election as consul, serving with Lucius Cornelius Cinna, he assumed dictatorial powers, executing enemies.

After a month, the ageing Marius died, leaving his ally, Cinna, in power. After executing many political enemies, in 82BC the Senate named Lucius Cornelius Cinna Essays dictator, without setting a limit to his dictatorship. Sulla implemented extensive constitutional reforms, trying to stabilise Rome by giving power back to the old elites, also giving people protection against arbitrary state power.

Lucius Cornelius Cinna Essays

In 79BC he resigned as dictator and withdrew from public life to indulge a Lucius Cornelius Cinna Essays of his private passions, dying of an unknown disease in 78BC. Decades later during a civil war against rival general Pompey in 49BC, Gaius Julius Caesar also marched his army on Rome and a compliant senate voted him dictator for life. He made a show of refusing a crown, but still clung to power, knowing that if he stepped down a rival might rise up and end both his career and his life. Unlike Marius or Sulla he refused to execute his enemies, but in the end it was those enemies he left alive who conspired against him, assassinating him during a meeting of the senate.

But by anointing a successor, his nephew and adopted son Octavius, Caesar turned dictatorship into monarchy ending the republic.

Lucius Cornelius Cinna Essays

In he reluctantly returned to lead the country as president Lucius Cornelius Cinna Essays when he finally returned to his plantation. In the 20th century several democracies have suffered under elected leaders who refused to be like Cincinnatus. At the end of World War II, he was executed by an angry mob. He clung to power even in the face of the certain defeat of his armies inbefore committing suicide. Ferdinand Marcos was popularly elected president in the Philippines in but later took to rigging elections, declaring martial law and even killing opponents to stay in power.

After faking an election result in he was finally ousted by a popular here.

He fled to Hawaii, insisting he was still president. He died in Originally published as Few dictators willingly gave up reins of power. Personalise your weather.]

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