Legalizing Prostitution Literature Review -

Legalizing Prostitution Literature Review - assured, that

Up to 2 sources can be taken from secondary sources that we read for class and are listed on the syllabus. HINT: I have an extensive library. Therefore, chances are I have an essay or book chapter that you might need or want. Getting Started and Finishing On-Time Getting started with a research paper can seem daunting at first, so do not procrastinate. First, begin perusing the syllabus to get a sense of which topics might interest you. While you should not feel limited to the topics in the syllabus, you should use the syllabus to begin thinking about what direction you would like to take your research. This short report should detail your topic, give an overview of the first article, chapter, or essay you read, discuss how the book or article relates to the topic, and discuss how you found the next chapter, essay, or article that you will read. I highly recommend that you schedule a meeting with me before this report is due. I can help you come up with a topic and find your first source! These assignments leading up to the completion of the historiographical research paper are put in place to help you finish on time. Legalizing Prostitution Literature Review

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Legalizing Prostitution Literature Review

A Qualitative Review of the Literature A Qualitative Review Mad Max Essays the Literature Legalizing Prostitution Literature Review the start of the s, the question of whether the transitions occurring in the former Eastern Bloc could be considered continuations of political trends seen in other recent processes of democratization loomed large. Highprofile scholars such as Samuel HuntingtonAdam Przeworskiand Giuseppe di Palma [1] published books at the beginning of the s that treated the Eastern European revolutions of as part of a global tendency toward democratization. First, in his controversial article he reviewed both the transitological approach as well as the structural, preconditions-to-democracy literature and called for a synthesis of the two in the study of post-communism Bova,p.

Second, he divided the process of transition Legalizing Prostitution Literature Review two parts— the breaking down of authoritarian rule and the creation of a new and noted that it was perhaps only the former to which the processes of liberalization studied by the transitologists in other regions could be seen as parallel Bova,p. Writing inBova noted that approaches to the study of transition borrowed from Latin America had barely been applied by students of what was becoming post-communism.

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First, she noted that transition in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union entails laying the foundations for a major economic transformation, a component of transition unseen in the cases studied by the early transitologists. Second, she pointed to the difference Literatjre the nature of authoritarian regimes in Southern Europe and Latin America and the totalitarian states of the Eastern Bloc, which promised read more leave much longer-lasting undemocratic legacies. Finally, she emphasized the major changes that had taken place in the international economic and political system between the s and s. Unlike the stable bi-polar system in which the West encouraged democratization in Southern Europe and Latin America Liteerature part of its larger Cold War goals, the post-communist transitions began during a period in which the international system itself was very much in flux.

As the findings from the analysis of journal articles presented above suggest, Bunce appears to have gotten the better of the debate. Scholars of post-communism exhibit widespread agreement on the uniqueness of the post-communist cases Legalizing Prostitution Literature Review express skepticism about the applicability of transitology to the study of post-communism. It is noteworthy that in this study Linz and Stepan draw attention to similar points of post-communist uniqueness that Bunce herself noted, such as the role of international influences and the legacies of totalitarianism, in their case studies of Eastern Europe.

To be sure, at the outset of post-communism, influential scholars of comparative Legalizing Prostitution Literature Review seemed poised to present post-communist regime change as a process analogous to the democratization that had been occurring in many parts of the globe since the mids.

However, prominent thinkers with expertise in the post-communist region who wielded considerable influence of their own questioned Lfgalizing approach at every opportunity most notably, Bunce, ; Bunce, ; Bunce, ; Bunce, ; Jowitt, a; Jowitt, b; Jowitt, By the mid- to late s, the clear majority of students of post-communism were proclaiming that theoretical approaches beyond transitology were required for studies of regime change in the former Eastern Bloc, even though advocates of transitology— especially in an unmodified form—were few and far between.

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Theorists of post-communist transitions, as discussed above, have utilized a wide range of approaches and have shown flexibility and imagination in their link to synthesize multiple theoretical frameworks; this plethora of approaches belies the notion that a hegemonic discourse based on transitology exists in post-communist studies. This again raises the question of why Leaglizing impression that transitologists abound continues to persist among scholars of post-communism.

Legalizing Prostitution Literature Review

Several Legalizing Prostitution Literature Review are plausible. First, it appears that the vocal criticism directed at transitology and the oft-repeated assertions that transitology dominates the study of post-communism have created the illusion that numerous—but usually unnamed—advocates of transitology exist, even though in reality scholars of post-communism share a near consensus that transitology is an insufficient basis for new theories of post-communist transition. It is the critics of transitology themselves, rather than a phalanx of transitologists, who have kept the discourse about transitology alive in the field. Second, as mentioned above, the conflation of transitology with other theories of change, such as modernization theory Cohen,p.

Third, transitology has become a buzzword in the debates over area studies versus comparative approaches.

Legalizing Prostitution Literature Review

When area specialists describe the infringement of comparative techniques on their domain, transitology, given its pseudoscientific sounding name, is often one of the first examples named, even though these critiques are directed more broadly at social science approaches with aspirations to develop generalizable theories see, e. This, too, has raised the profile of transitology, adding to the impression that it is prevalent in the field of post-communist studies. As a consequence, the term finds a niche in discourses other Legalizing Prostitution Literature Review the discussions of the transitions literature analyzed so far.

In order to fully evaluate the claim that transitology dominates post-communist studies, it is necessary to explore the other contexts source which the term is being used. Charles Kingp.

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