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Leaf by Niggle Essays.

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SSJE: St Mary Magdalene, becoming one of the first witnesses of the resurrection flickr According to tradition, but not mentioned in Scripture, the first person to witness the resurrected Christ was his mother, Mary. This, at first, seems odd; why would it not be mentioned in Scripture if it happened? Yet, we know that all that Jesus said and did was not presented in Scripture. Indeed, as the writer of John indicated, it would be nearly impossible to do so cf. The early Christians knew things which were written down. Indeed, their faith came from their own experiences. Scripture came later. Paul wrote letters to deal with various crises, explaining things when there was some controversy, being silent on those things which he article source everyone already knew and understood which is why arguments based solely upon the silence of Paul tend to lead to all kinds of erroneous conclusions.

Thus, whether or not she was the first to encounter the risen Christ, it does not need to be in Scripture for it to be something which was held and believed and understood by Christians. But it still seems odd for it not to be mentioned by any Gospel writer. It is not fundamental to the faith. But it is an interesting tradition. It is based upon the notion that Mary stayed beside Christ and would not leave his side, even in his death, so that she and she alone could be there when the resurrection took place. The silence of Mary, just like the silence of the original ending of Mark of what happened after the resurrection, serves as a reminder of the great mystery which lies behind the event itself. The Gospel writers give us Leaf by Niggle Essays few different accounts of the way the women encountered the risen Jesus, but central to all of them was the way he appeared to St. Mary Magdalene: Now when he rose Leaf by Niggle Essays on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons.

She went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept. But when they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her, they Leaf by Niggle Essays not believe it Mk. Mary and the other women were not believed.

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Jesus had sent them out to be the first preachers of the resurrection, and they were not believed. The eleven should have believed the women, but they did not. When Jesus met with the eleven, we are told he was not pleased. Women throughout history know what it is to be disbelieved. They know what it is to be ignored, to have their truth rejected, because what they have to say is shocking, if not inconvenient, to those in Nlggle. By choosing women to be the first to proclaim the resurrection from the dead, by choosing women to be his first witnesses to the world, Jesus shows us that we should not treat women in this way.

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We should respect them and what they have to say. We should trust them and believe them.

Leaf by Niggle Essays

As the resurrection restores all things, overcoming the corruption of sin and the social constructs which emerged as a result of sin, so we see Christ overcoming the social placement of women in the first century by having them become the first true evangelists. It is possible that the eleven thought Jesus would Niggoe them to be Leaf by Niggle Essays first witnesses, to continue on with the social construct of Ewsays day, and so their doubt came, not only from the fact that the resurrection was a shocking, world-changing event, but also because Jesus transcended and Nivgle denied the social construct which they wanted to hold onto; if so, then it was their attachment to that construct, more than anything else, which caused them to stumble and not believe. Jesus properly upbraided them for their lack of belief, not only because of all that he had said and done should have given them reason to accept his resurrection from the dead, but also during his own earthly ministry he had consistently criticized and overturned the social construct which they still http://rmt.edu.pk/nv/custom/using-open-data-for-business-choices/cultural-theory-of-poverty.php was that not, for example what they had seen and witnessed when Jesus talked with St.

Had he not already indicated how the special devotion and love of St. Mary Magdalene made her transcend the external piety and devotion promoted by the social construct of their day, a construct represented by her sister, Martha? Clearly, they had not paid attention. They had not learned what they should have learned. They were still stuck in social conventions, as Martha had been, and so the greater path of Mary Magdalene, Leaf by Niggle Essays path which transcended all such conventions, was ignored.

The eleven were not ready to listen to and acknowledge the place of the women and the status they had been given by Christ.]

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