Leadership In Odysseus In Homers The Odyssey - rmt.edu.pk

Leadership In Odysseus In Homers The Odyssey Video

The science behind the myth: Homer's \

Leadership In Odysseus In Homers The Odyssey - necessary

As Odysseus struggles homeward, the idea of his true self and what defines him shifts. His longing for family and sovereignty serves, at times, as a raging fire that propels him home. At other times it seems to be lost in the shadows of his adventures. At the end, when all conflicts are resolved and Odysseus is reunited with his wife Gender Roles Of Odysseus And Penelope In Homer's Odyssey Words 5 Pages Traditional gender roles unfortunately remain an influential part of society today. In some parts of the world, it is illegal for women to do anything without the permission or sometimes even accompaniment of a male guardian. While it is true that the world has made considerable progress in eliminating gender stereotypes overall, there is much work that has yet to be done, and people must continue to strive for equality in order to eliminate unhealthy relationships like that of Odysseus and Penelope in Roles Of Women In The Odyssey Words 4 Pages the Role of Women in the Odyssey Ancient Greek society contrasts Ancient Greek mythology due to the fact that women are portrayed differently in these two settings. Women in Ancient Greek literature, such as in the Odyssey, are shown to have many capabilities, play strong roles, and to some extent have great power and influence. This contrasts actual Ancient Greek society because women did not have much power or were not able to do as much as men could do. One such example is the different roles in households, where the women would be in charge of housekeeping while the male would support the family financially. Leadership In Odysseus In Homers The Odyssey

One might object here that Odysseus shows qualities of a good leader. Some qualities of a good leader are being confident and consideration.

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One example, Odysseus did have a concern about his men when facing the Sirens before he met Scylla and Charybdis. Odysseus also shows confidence throughout the book.

Leadership In Odysseus In Homers The Odyssey

He believed in himself that he was able to convince his men to follow his orders. Odysseus was also confident that he can inspire and motivated his men to get home.

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But the majority of the book, Odysseus shows qualities of bad leadership. Odysseus, shows his passion for glory by his wanting to return as a hero of the Trojan War. He as a person loved fame and glory which is a bad quality.

Leadership In Odysseus In Homers The Odyssey

That was one of the reasons why he wanted to return to Ithaca. Apart from his goal to be with his wife, he also wanted to take back his kingdom. Something else that makes a bad leader is not caring about your men well being. All the information above explains how Homerw is a bad leader to his crew. However, though he succeeds temporarily as a good leader, all his bad qualities cause his men do die eventually, and I argue that he is a bad leader to his men.

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Works Cited Fitzgerald, Robert. The Odyssey: Homer. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, Myatt, Mike. Gleeson, Brent. Cite this page.]

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