Interpretive Essay: The Lottery By Shirley Jackson -

Interpretive Essay: The Lottery By Shirley Jackson Video

The Lottery (Shirley Jackson) - 1969 Short Film Interpretive Essay: The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

Interpretive Essay: The Lottery By Shirley Jackson - for

Plot[ edit ] Details of contemporary small-town American life are embroidered upon a description of an annual rite known as "the lottery". In a small village of about residents, the locals are in an excited yet nervous mood on June Children gather stones, as the adult townsfolk assemble for their annual event, which in the local tradition is apparently practiced to ensure a good harvest Old Man Warner quotes an old proverb: "Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon". However, some other villages have already discontinued the lottery, and rumors are spreading that a village farther north is considering doing likewise. The lottery preparations start the night before, with coal merchant Mr. Summers and postmaster Mr. Graves drawing up a list of all the extended families in town and preparing a set of paper slips, one per family, All are blank except one, later revealed to be marked with a black dot. The slips are folded and placed in a black wooden box, which in turn is stored in a safe at Mr. Interpretive Essay: The Lottery By Shirley Jackson Interpretive Essay: The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

Much has been written about this concept in the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology, history, and political science. If you think it is important and really adds something toy our essay, you can refer to other stories by the same or another author, but keep the focus of the essay on the one story below the subject of your analysis.

Interpretive Essay: The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

Whichever Interpretiv you choose, because the essay is a short one, narrow down the topic and address a particular aspect of it that fits well with the story you are writing about. Your essay should be 1, words in length; it cannot be less than words or more than 1, Be sure to provide concrete examples from the story. If you use any source other than the text of the story, provide an appropriate citation to that other source. At the end of the essay, provide a list of the work or works cited, using the MLA format. Share this entry.]

Interpretive Essay: The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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