Inner Conflict In The Catcher In The Rye -

Inner Conflict In The Catcher In The Rye Inner Conflict In The Catcher In The Rye

I had a good laugh telling my friends about it later. They have to buy a cart-load of presents, and they never know what to buy to hit the various tastes; they in three weeks of hard and anxious work, and when Christmas morning comes they are so dissatisfied with the result, and so disappointed that they want to sit down and cry.

Catcher In The Rye By J. D. Salinger: An Analysis

Then they give thanks that Christmas comes but once a year. Despondency is common during the holidays for many. He leaves his guardian angel, returns home only to find his family heartily welcoming his return and, because George has helped Conrlict many in his lifetime, they come through by helping him with enough money to solve his financial crisis. This creates the need to put the hands deep in the pocket, both for gifts and to pay for the restaurants and bars. The temptations such as food, the cocktails, purchases and gifts is high and leads many people to feel stress for the consequences of their actions gain more weight, headache, depression, overdrafts.

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These effects remain after the end of holidays and cause even more stress and depression. This can take a toll on many. They may be lonely, whether surrounded by loved ones or not.

For those struggling with depression or just profound loneliness, Christmas can be so tough. But, there it is. Even when not told by others to snap out of their funk, folks who are lonely and depressed feel this way because the holidays trigger some memory of loss, of loved ones not there that should be there or their inability to pull themselves out of a down mood.

Inner Conflict In The Catcher In The Rye

There can also be family turmoil during the holidays. Usually people want to gather the whole family together for Christmas, but everyone has plans and sometimes there is conflict because people prefer to spend the holidays in their own home. There is also the possibility that people have TThe expectations these days from other people.

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People might expect perfect conditions with expensive gifts and positive response by all. This is not usually the case and this increases the chances to feel disappointed and the risk of sadness and depression are increased. Here are too pooped to party. One of the main reasons that the holidays bring with them intense stress is that suddenly there are many requirements and people have to do many things in a short period of time. Even when the activities are basically pleasant and enjoyable, they are a change from the daily routine that people are used to, and this situation is pushing the person to do more things than it can normally do.

Inner Conflict In The Catcher In The Rye

Shopping, the need for finding gifts, participation in various social events and obligations, the preparation of Christmas dishes and other sweets all create stress and fatigue. Because I am Catholic a very liberal one, mind youthe holidays offer another gift to me — a sense of Joy. I have always found the month leading up to Christmas enjoyable, what my church calls Advent, in some sense a salve on the short days and chapped skin from too much cold wind that hurdle through Buffalo salt covered streets.]

Inner Conflict In The Catcher In The Rye

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