Influencing Richard Nixons Election As President In 1968 -

Influencing Richard Nixons Election As President In 1968

Influencing Richard Nixons Election As President In 1968 Video

Influencing Richard Nixons Election As President In 1968

Primaries[ edit ] Richard Nixon campaign rally, July The front-runner for the Republican nomination was former Vice President Richard Nixonwho formally began campaigning in January Thus, the party machinery and many of the new congressmen and governors supported him. Still, there was wariness in the Republican ranks over Nixon, who had lost the election and then lost the California gubernatorial election. Some hoped a more "electable" candidate would emerge. The story of the Republican primary campaign and nomination may be seen as one Nixon opponent after another entering the race and then dropping out.

Nixon was the front runner throughout the contest because of his superior organization, and he easily defeated the rest of the field. Nixon's first challenger was Michigan Governor George W. After a fact-finding trip to Vietnam, Romney told Detroit talk show host Lou Gordon that he had been "brainwashed" by the military and the diplomatic corps into supporting the Vietnam War; the remark led to weeks of ridicule in the national news media. Later, however, Percy declined to have his name listed on the ballot for the Illinois presidential primary.

Influencing Richard Nixons Election As President In 1968

He no longer sought the presidential nomination. Rockefeller had not originally intended to run, having discounted a campaign for the nomination inand planned to Elrction United States Senator Jacob Javits the favorite soneither in preparation of a presidential campaign or to secure him the second spot on the ticket. As Rockefeller warmed to the idea of entering the race, Javits shifted his effort to seeking a third term in the Senate.

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He had declared too late to get his name placed on state primary ballots. By early spring, California Governor Ronald Reaganthe leader of the Republican Party's conservative wing, had become Nixon's chief rival.

Influencing Richard Nixons Election As President In 1968

While this was a wide margin for Nixon, Reagan remained Nixon's leading challenger. Reagan's victory in California gave him a plurality of the nationwide primary vote, but his poor showing in most other state primaries left him far behind Nixon in the delegate count. Total popular vote:.]

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