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Muslim Scientists Ep 26 (Ibn Al Nafis) English Subtitles

Further information: History of Islam The Islamic era began in Islamic armies conquered Arabia, Egypt and Mesopotamia, eventually displacing the Persian and Byzantine Empires from the region.

Ibn al-Nafis Essays

Within a century, Islam had reached the area of present-day Portugal in the west and Central Asia in the east. The Islamic Golden Age roughly between Ibn al-Nafis Essays spanned the period of the Abbasid Caliphate —with stable political structures and flourishing trade. Major religious and cultural works of the Islamic empire were translated into Arabic and occasionally Persian. Islamic culture inherited GreekIndic al-Nafus, Assyrian and Persian influences. A new common civilisation formed, based on Islam.

An era of high Ibn al-Nafis Essays and innovation ensued, with rapid growth in population and cities. The Arab Agricultural Revolution in the countryside brought more crops and improved agricultural technology, especially irrigation. This supported the larger population and enabled culture to flourish. These translations supported advances by scientists across the Islamic world. After the completion of the Spanish reconquest inthe Islamic world went into an economic and cultural decline.

Astronomers devoted effort both towards understanding the nature of the cosmos and to practical purposes.

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One application Ibn al-Nafis Essays determining the Qibla, the direction to face during prayer. Another was astrologypredicting events affecting human life and al-Nqfis suitable times for actions such as going to war or founding a city.

He contributed to the Tables of Toledoused by astronomers to predict the movements of the sun, moon and planets across the sky. Copernicus later used some of Al-Battani's astronomic tables.

Ibn al-Nafis Essays

He Ibn al-Nafis Essays a water clock in Toledo ql-Nafis, discovered that the Sun's apogee moves slowly relative to the fixed stars, and obtained a good estimate of its motion [15] for its rate of change. When Tusi became Helagu 's astrologer, he was given an observatory and gained access to Chinese techniques and observations.

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He developed trigonometry as a separate field, and compiled the most accurate astronomical tables available up to that time. The work done proved directly useful in the unprecedented growth of pharmacology across the Islamic world.

Ibn al-Nafis Essays

Only volumes 3 and 5 have survived, with part of volume 6 reconstructed from quoted passages. The surviving text describes plants in alphabetical order from the letters sin to ya, so the whole book must have covered several thousand kinds of plants. Al-Dinawari described the phases of plant growth and the production of flowers and fruit. For example, he described trees which grew birds on their twigs in place of leaves, but which could only be found in the Ibn al-Nafis Essays British Isles.

His practical and systematic book describes over plants and how to propagate and care for them. It covered leaf- and root-vegetables, herbs, spices and trees.]

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