Geriatric Rehabilitation Case Study Essay -

Geriatric Rehabilitation Case Study Essay

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Geriatric Rehabilitation Case Study Essay 2 days ago · Essays Review the following case study patient details Mr. W is a 25 year old male who was in a drug rehabilitation program last year. He has been admitted to the hospital with a history of weight loss, weakness, and intractable diarrhea. 1 day ago · Essay On Juvenile Rehabilitation. argument between rehabilitation and retribution. The juvenile justice system focused on two principles: the individual assessment of juveniles and rehabilitation (Guttman, ). Some feel that juveniles are denied their due process in the juvenile system, they put thir focus on rehabilitation and treatment. 1 day ago · The patient arrived to our geriatric rehabilitation department 5 days after the amputation, he seemed sad (which is a normal part of dealing with a limb loss), and also very concerned about his future - both him and his wife had doubts about him becoming (eventually) strong and independent enough to .
Geriatric Rehabilitation Case Study Essay 293
Geriatric Rehabilitation Case Study Essay.

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Geriatric Case study presentation Geriatric Rehabilitation Case Study Essay

Abstract Purpose of Review The aim of this case report was to illustrate the clinical procedure integrating augmented reality AR for complex patient cases requiring full mouth rehabilitation. Recent Findings The introduction of AR technology to the fields of medicine and dentistry has led to numerous applications in education, surgery, and esthetics. Recently, a new AR software was introduced in esthetic dentistry which allows for real-time smile projection and thus improves communication with patients and the dental laboratory. Summary The presented case shows a patient with multiple missing teeth, diastemata, and an impaired masticatory and phonetic ability. After Geriatric Rehabilitation Case Study Essay of the posterior zone, the AR software was used for the conception of the esthetic zone, integrating see more patient into the decision-making process.

Visualizing the Future of Health Geriatrics

The result was an esthetic rehabilitation applying palatal and buccal veneers which corresponded to the chosen AR design. The patient appreciated the opportunity to pre-visualize a possible final outcome in an interactive way which increased his confidence in the chosen treatment. Further studies are needed to assess the precision and reproducibility of the described protocol. Introduction Augmented reality AR is a technology that combines the virtual and physical worlds and therefore augments the real-world experience [ 1 ].

Early predecessors to modern AR technology were originally invented Geriatric Rehabilitation Case Study Essay aerospace engineering [ 2 ] and related industrial applications [ 3 ]. With the Rehabilitatlon evolution of computer and camera technology around the turn of the millennium however, the scope of application for AR has increased significantly.

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Apart from industrial uses, AR has since been introduced into the fields of medicine and dentistry with a multitude of emerging applications. In esthetic dentistry, the attainment of a patient-specific optimal appearance of the planned restorations may be considered an important objective. Recently, a Geriatric Rehabilitation Case Study Essay using a three-dimensional facial scan of the patient was proposed, but this requires a lot of time and the ability to combine different software, which is not yet simple for all the prosthetic laboratories [ 8910 ]. To overcome this problem, a solution using AR software was proposed, offering fast 3D article source and promising results [ 1112 ].

However, this approach is currently limited to the design and conception of teeth in the anterior maxilla.

Geriatric Rehabilitation Case Study Essay

In more complex patient cases, such pre-visualization is often difficult to implement due to a multitude of variables that must be considered. In situations where a full mouth rehabilitation is indicated, there is currently no protocol for the application of AR technology. The present case report proposes to illustrate the application, as well as the advantages and article source drawbacks of AR technology for esthetic full mouth reconstruction. Geriatric Rehabilitation Case Study Essay Illustration A year-old male patient searched for treatment at the University Clinic for Dental Medicine of Geneva with the primary wish to improve his masticatory and phonetic function as well as the esthetic appearance of his smile.

The patient was healthy, took no medication, but was a former smoker with a history of periodontitis. The patient had lost all premolar and molar teeth in the upper arch along with the upper left canine due to periodontitis Fig. In the lower arch, all molar teeth were missing as well as the right central incisor tooth 41, Fig. Due to the lack of posterior support, the remaining dentition was heavily worn down with multiple areas of exposed dentine. The patient had Geriatric Rehabilitation Case Study Essay restored with removable partial dentures in the past, but ultimately never wore them due to lack of comfort. He therefore had high expectations of a possible fixed rehabilitation in terms of esthetic appearance, function, and comfort.

At the same time, the patient was having difficulty formulating his opinion on how his teeth should look like as he had been with worn down teeth for decades. The ability to pre-visualize a possible final outcome and discuss the treatment goals was, therefore, of source importance. For situations where purely an esthetic correction is desired, AR technology has been applied successfully to provide such pre-visualization [ 12 ].]

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