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Fritz Pfeffer Essays

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Ace the AP Literary Argument Essay - Step 3: Write a Thesis Fritz Pfeffer Essays

Welcome to the Ralph Nader Radio Hour.

Fritz Pfeffer Essays

My name is Steve Skrovan along with my cohost, David Feldman. Hello, David. David Feldman: Hello.


Good morning. Steve Skrovan: And the man of the hour, Ralph Nader. Hello, Ralph. Ralph Nader: Hey. Steve Skrovan: Yeah. Well, we're all locked down. We're all locked down, but that doesn't prevent us from presenting the show. And we've got a great show for you.

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Of course, what's on everybody's mind is the coronavirus pandemic and this Covid pandemic has laid bare many of the weaknesses of our healthcare system, including the health and safety of the healthcare workers themselves. Fritz Pfeffer Essays people we depend on who are at high risk during this crisis and despite the high risk, they are not being provided necessary protections.

In fact, a headline in Fortune Magazine this week stated that some hospitals are telling healthcare workers they will be fired for reporting a lack of protective gear. Protective masks are usually used once and thrown away, but now faced with a very contagious virus, hospitals are telling doctors and nurses to clean and reuse their masks. Some nurses report self-quarantining after being exposed to Covid then being told to return to work before their two-week quarantine is up.

Fritz Pfeffer Essays

Our first guest will be Jean Ross, who is President of the largest union of nurses in the United States, National Nurses United, and she is here to tell us about her efforts to help nurses stay safe during this pandemic. And that's just the first half of the show. And the second half, Donald Trump says he'd like to have the Fritz Pfeffer Essays reopen and back to normal by May 1st.

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When asked what he would rely on for Fritz Pfeffer Essays final answer, he pointed to his head, uh-oh, not a good sign. In the second half of the show, we welcome back Dr. Bandy Lee, who has been sounding the alarm about the mental health of this President and his judgment since she first appeared on our program back into talk about the book she edited, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Health Professionals Assess a President.

Last time Dr. Lee was here, just around the first of the year, she said, Donald Trump's thinks he's the "King of Everything. Lee will tell us about why he is especially unfit to lead during this crisis, and as always, we'll Fritz Pfeffer Essays some time in between to take a short break and check in with our corporate crime reporter, Russell Mokhiber.]

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