Essay On Optimism And Resilience -

Essay On Optimism And Resilience

Essay On Optimism And Resilience - think, that

Joshua Mutambi. The commissioner noted that this project was timely because it focuses on important aspect of how Covid has impacted on the economy with businesses closed and jobs lost. He stressed there was need for evidence on to what extent the businesses have been affected in order to inform policy options and appropriate interventions. Mutambi said government has put in place several measures to mitigate the adverse effects but they are not exhaustive and thus the need for evidence based policy on interventions. She urged stakeholders like the private sector and civil society to work together for the success of the project. The e-conference was graced by Mr. Richard Jabo a principal economist who served as a panelist in the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development who served as panelists. Essay On Optimism And Resilience

Essay On Optimism And Resilience Video

Optimism - Resilient Mindset

Defining resilience

Order now Positive Psychology and Depression Positive Psychology in the Treatment of Major Depression Positive psychology is a strengths-oriented, positively focused approach to Essay On Optimism And Resilience behaviors and thoughts click is relatively recent to the overall field of psychology. Previous Resilidnce of thought had always focused on the abnormalities, weaknesses, and pathologies of people. Positive psychology is an exceptionally new branch of psychology and aims at making life more fulfilling, enjoyable, and happy instead of just tolerable; they wish to promote mental health and well-being instead of only treating disorders.

One of the most common mood disorders is depression.

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Depression comes in many forms and Essay On Optimism And Resilience are also different depressive disorders such as major depression, bipolar disorder, and dysthymic disorder. NIMH, For the sake of this paper, major depression will be examined.

Related article: Approaches to Promoting Wellbeing Symptoms of a major depressive episode include feelings of sadness or unhappiness, irritability or frustration, loss of interest or pleasure in normal activities, reduced Resipience drive, insomnia or excessive sleeping, changes in appetite, agitation or restlessness, angry outbursts, slowed thinking or speaking, fatigue, tiredness, loss of energy, trouble thinking or concentrating, frequent thoughts of death or dying including suicide, crying spells for no apparent reason, and unexplained physical problems such as pain Mayo Clinic, Major depressive disorder has a lifetime prevalence rate Resiliejce People ages eighteen to twenty-nine are seventy percent more likely to have experienced depression compared to those over the age of sixty, people between thirty to forty-four years old were percent more likely, and forty-five to fifty-nine year olds were percent more likely.

Essay On Optimism And Resilience

Women are seventy percent more likely than their male counterparts to experience depression during their lifetime and whites are forty percent more likely than blacks to experience depression. Compared to 2 percent or less for most other disorders, major depression is quite common.

NIMH, Positive psychology interventions in cases of major depression focus on increasing positive emotions, positive experiences, subjective well-being, and beneficial engagements. In one study, conducted by Seligman et al, positive psychotherapy exercises delivered through the internet were shown to relieve the symptoms of depression for a minimum of six months whereas traditional treatments lasted less than one week.

In subjects Essay On Optimism And Resilience from severe depression, reduction in mild-to-moderate depressive symptoms was observed.

Essay On Optimism And Resilience

It was also observed that subjects who had been suffering from major depressive disorder and underwent positive psychotherapy had a higher reduction in symptoms than those who underwent traditional treatments and those who underwent traditional treatments combined with medications. It is possible that directly building these positive resources may also buffer against their future reoccurrence. Seligman et, al. People who suffer from depression experience anhedonia — an inability to experience pleasure in activities which it is usually produced. They lack positive affect, show a lack of engagement in meaningful activities, lack of feeling of purpose, and lack of feeling of meaning. These people no longer find any interest in things such as sex, food, bonding with friends, favorite past times, Essay On Optimism And Resilience work. Brynie, A study by Barnaby D.

Dunn, published in July of also found that people suffering from depression also do not experience anticipation or recognize positive emotions the way those unaffected do. It is as if they do not see the possibility of an experience producing positive outcomes. Positive psychology, on the other hand, is primarily focused on creating and building-upon positive emotions, helping people find meaning in their everyday lives, and promoting an overall increase in mental health.

Essay On Optimism And Resilience

Positive psychology has its roots in self-efficacy, optimism, and hope. Self-efficacy is the belief that you have the skills and self-control necessary to achieve the goals you set for yourself. This is a learned way of thinking, predicted by previous successes, observing others with high levels of self-efficacy, the ability to imagine oneself achieving a successful outcome, verbal persuasion by other strong and trustworthy individuals, and ability to control negative emotions.]

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