Compare And Contrast The Awakening Of Hamlet And Laertes -

Compare And Contrast The Awakening Of Hamlet And Laertes

Compare And Contrast The Awakening Of Hamlet And Laertes Video

Hamlet: Act 1, Scene 3: Laertes Departs Compare And Contrast The Awakening Of Hamlet And Laertes.

Among the points of superiority which distinguish the plays of Shakespeare from those of most Elizabethan dramatists, none is more obvious and more easily demonstrable than the firmly built plan, the clear construction which sets in strong relief a dominant dramatic idea.

Compare And Contrast The Awakening Of Hamlet And Laertes

In the poet's mature tragedies, this dominant idea is always a development of what Professor Dowden calls "the fatality of character. From the analogy of the other plays, therefore, we should expect in Hamlet to find little or no emphasis laid upon external hindrances to the execution of the prescribed revenge, but rather the accentuation of a purely subjective hesitancy inherent in the emotional and intellectual habits of the man himself. Now it is a Awakebing fact that no such plan, no such dominant dramatic idea, is apparent in the Hamlet printed in the quarto of Here we have a revenge play of the type click by Professor Thorndike two years ago 1 and built, as he pointed out, upon a common and usual formula. That the prince does not execute vengeance until the last scene we of course perceive, but why Compare And Contrast The Awakening Of Hamlet And Laertes does not, whether from lack of Awxkening opportunity or from some other cause, we have no means of determining.

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Compare And Contrast The Awakening Of Hamlet And Laertes It is true that he rejects the occasion when the king is praying, and for the same reason as that given in the later version, but this episode does not help us, because it is unrelated to any of his other actions. Quite the reverse is the case in the quarto of Here, indeed, we have, what on general principles we should be led Contraast expect of Shakespeare, a clearly constructed plan, the plain purpose of which is to give striking relief to the dominant dramatic idea, a fatal subjective hindrance to action. Hamlet has "cause, and will, and strength, and means To do't," and yet lives Awakenng say this thing's to do. The one point above all others essential and at the same time most characteristic of Shakespeare's dramatic art, in fact what may be called the design itself, is in no degree developed or even manifested in that "maimed and perverted" version. For the elaboration of this design we must Personal Narrative: to the quarto of Here, at length, a definite structure is revealed.

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It consists of five clearly marked moments of resolve on Hamlet's part — and, it may be added, there are no more than these five — each aroused by some external stimulus, each so vigorous as to lead the spectator to look for the immediate execution of some scheme of vengeance, and each followed by a period of strikingly contrasted inactivity.

This antithesis between strong determination and negligent lassitude is so forcibly presented and Conttast forth as so palpable a change from the undiscriminated progress of the action in the first edition, that it be accepted as a distinct manifestation of the author's purpose.

The first moment of resolve occurs in the scene in which the ghost divulges the facts concerning the murder.

Compare And Contrast The Awakening Of Hamlet And Laertes

Hamlet's words, "Haste me to know't, that I with wings as swift As meditation or the thoughts of love May sweep to my revenge," import the rapid consummation of a bloody act. Yet in the succeeding scenes, we find him pretending a madness that has no obvious article source, heaping insults upon Polonius, discussing theatrical affairs with Rosencranz and Guildenstern, and devoting his entire attention and interest to the declamation of an actor.

All this, it is true, is found also in the quarto, though not so fully developed, but the case there stands in absolute isolation. Not another antithesis between resolve and negligence can be discovered in that version.

Compare And Contrast The Awakening Of Hamlet And Laertes

Even here it is interesting to note the significant substitution of a word, or at least a substitution that would be significant if we could trust the text. Convinced of the king's guilt and fired with excitement, Hamlet, when at length left alone, soliloquizes briefly before going to the interview with his mother. In the first quarto, he merely determines to be "cruel not unnatural," whereas in the second, these reflections are preceded by the words "Now could I drink hot blood, And do such bitter business as the day Would quake to look on. The words just quoted have often been regarded as mere bombastic declamation, but, viewed as furnishing a vivid contrast be- tween resolve and non-performance, they are certainly an essential structural element. The fourth moment of resolve occurs in the long soliloquy after the meeting with the army of Fortinbras, "How all occasions do inform against me And spur my dull revenge," a passage found only in the second quarto.

Here Hamlet concludes his reflections with a very definite determination, "O from this time forth, My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth.]

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