Causes Of European Exploration -

Causes Of European Exploration.

Like explorers before and after him, Columbus sought a water route to Asia, which abounded in commodities prized in Europe.

European Exploration Motivation

Of particular interest were the Spice Islands of present-day Indonesia, which were rich in pepper, nutmeg and mace. Aware that the Earth is round, Columbus hoped to Exploratiom Asia by sailing across the Atlantic. Portuguese mariner Vasco da Gama became the first European to reach Asia by sea Causes Of European Exploration he arrived in India in Sponsored by Spain, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan sailed west from Europe in hoping to find a route to Asia while circumnavigating the globe. Magellan died in the process, but one of his ships accomplished the objective.

Causes Of European Exploration

Few took that edict more seriously than Queen Isabella of Spain and her husband, King Ferdinand, who were known as the Catholic monarchs and had driven Muslims and Jews out of Iberia. The royal couple sponsored Columbus' voyages and, upon learning of the lands he discovered, felt Exp,oration and entitled to convert the native people to Christianity.

Causes Of European Exploration

When Columbus reported that aCuses newly found lands had deposits of precious metals, finding currency became an incentive for further exploration and conquests, especially for Spain. In their quest for gold and silver Causes Of European Exploration the Spanish crown, conquistadors Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro brutally put an end to the Aztec and the Inca empires, respectively. Moreover, Dutch, French and British exploration of the Pacific Ocean in the 17th and 18th centuries was driven in part by the belief that a massive continent, rich in spices and gold, was waiting to be discovered.]

Causes Of European Exploration

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