Capitalism And Global Ecological Crisis -

Capitalism And Global Ecological Crisis - think, that

Poppi Knight Over the last few years, climate change has come to be recognised as the crisis it is. While some claim we have under a dozen years left to save the planet, others are resigned to the belief that we are already too late. Green strategies supposedly decrease energy and material consumption, which enhances production chains. These strategies, however, are fundamentally flawed as the decreasing consumption is antithetical to capitalism. Capitalism can be thought of as both exchange and production and as the movement of capital. A simple way to describe capitalism is in a Marxian sense. Capitalism And Global Ecological Crisis Capitalism And Global Ecological Crisis

Capitalism And Global Ecological Crisis Video

Slavoj Zizek: The Delusion of Green Capitalism

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The global Capitalism And Global Ecological Crisis public health emergency and the associated economic slump have produced hugely disruptive and far-reaching social and political effects. Even before the onset of the pandemic, the world economy had been on the brink read article severe recession after a prolonged yet remarkably tepid recovery from the Great Recession of —09 — as well as several decades of slow growth, austerity and persistent profitability problems for productive capital.

That said, the anticipated recession was greatly amplified by full or partial state-mandated lockdowns of many industries, government services and small businesses. The result was a level of global unemployment and economic contraction rivalling that of the Great Depression of the s.


With few exceptions, the answer of the corporate mass media, professional-managerial strata, political elites and most economists is remarkably uniform. Against this superficial and deliberately simplistic Anabaptist Essays, a serious explanation of the crisis must involve a scientific critique of the social conditions that allowed the virus to emerge and the pandemic to Capitalism And Global Ecological Crisis in the way that it did.

For just as the Covid health emergency gave a definite shape and depth to the economic downturn into which the world economy was already heading inthe fundamentally antagonistic and invidious social relations that define capitalism contributed decisively to the origins, course and consequences of the pandemic.

Capitalism And Global Ecological Crisis

Serious attention needs to be given above all to the social determinants of illness: the socio-economic conditions and contexts in which unhealthy individual Capitalism And Global Ecological Crisis develop and threats to the health and well-being of whole populations can emerge. On top of this, research investments Crsiis by profit-oriented pharmaceutical corporations regularly fail to target some of the worst risks to human health and well-being. Heart medicines, addictive tranquilizers and treatments for male impotence are profit leaders, not the defenses against hospital infections, emergent diseases and traditional tropical killers.

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Tellingly, corporate research on SARS-CoV-1 — initiated for a brief period after the successful containment of its outbreak in — was halted once deemed unprofitable. The very existence of morbid social conditions must be explained; yet sadly this is done altogether inadequately by academic researchers as well as agencies like the WHO who stop short of critiquing the larger socio-economic system responsible for them.

We must ask: Why is there a pronounced trend toward greater social inequality?

Capitalism And Global Ecological Crisis

Why is private profit systematically prioritized over the satisfaction of human needs? Why is so much spent on military budgets when so much more needs to be spent by governments on health care and non-profit medical research? Why is a growing rift, indeed a disastrous disharmony, developing between human society and the natural world?]

One thought on “Capitalism And Global Ecological Crisis

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