Black Tuesday: The Great Recession -

Black Tuesday: The Great Recession

Read more The October strategy had two phases.

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The first required loose purse stings in order to "quickly drive down the unemployment rate". It would remain in place until the unemployment rate was comfortably below 6 per The words "comfortably below" might mean "way below", and the figure of 6 per cent might not have meant much at all. As the pandemic gathered pace the treasury Tye predicting an unemployment rate of 15 per cent — the worst since the Great Depression.

Black Tuesday: The Great Recession

It might have picked 6 per cent as a pseudo target merely because it was something to aim for, and it might not have put much store link what was at the time a one-off result of 5. The difference between 6 per cent Black Tuesday: The Great Recession 5 per cent isunemployed Australians. The difference between 6 per cent and 4 per cent isunemployed Australians. The Reserve Bank governor believes Australia can "achieve and sustain an unemployment rate in the low 4s ".

On theharshest reading, the strategy requires Treasurer Josh Frydenberg to start winding back economic support when the unemployment falls below 6 per cent.

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The target Frydenberg adopts will tell us a lot. The broad-brush Australian Bureau of Statistics labour force survey turns up the surprising result that, in terms of jobs, women have done better than men. At the time women had indeed suffered more than men.

Black Tuesday: The Great Recession

In May, in the depths of the downturn, women were downjobs and men downBut from then on, as things improved, the gap narrowed. By August women Tbe no worse off than men. By March this year women were 74, jobs better off than before the recession, men jobs worse off. Men are 47, full-time jobs worse off, and women 44, full-time jobs better off.

Black Tuesday: The Great Recession

We can get much more detail than ever before by examining the newly available payroll data extracted from real-time records of more than 10 million Australians, as opposed to the answers of the 50, who take part in the labour force survey.]

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