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Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Character Analysis

It is an attempt not to collect the greatest possible number of distinguishing characters, or to arrange into system all the results of scientific measuring and experiment, but to refer to a single principle Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Character Analysis whole contrast between man and woman.

In this respect the book differs source all other works on the same subject. It does not linger Analsis this or that detail, but presses on to its ultimate goal; it does not Anqlysis investigation on investigation, but combines the psychical differences between the sexes into a system; it deals not with women, but with woman. It sets out, indeed, from the most common and obvious facts, but intends to reach a single, concrete principle. The investigation is not of details, but of principles; it does not despise the laboratory, although the help of the laboratory, with regard to the deeper problems, is limited as compared with the results of introspective analysis. The artist does not despise experimental results; on the contrary, he regards it as a duty to gain experience; but for him the collection of experimental knowledge is merely a starting-point for self- exploration, and in art self-exploration is exploration of the world.


The psychology used in this exposition is purely philosophical, although its characteristic method, justified by the subject, is to set out from the most trivial details of experience. The task of the philosopher differs from that of the artist in one important respect. The one deals in symbols, the other in ideas.

Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Character Analysis

Art and philosophy stand to one another as expression to meaning. The artist has breathed in the world to breathe it out again; the philosopher has the world outside him and he has to absorb it.

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There is always something pretentious in theory; and the real meaning — which in a work of art is Nature herself and in a philosophical system is a much condensed generalisation, a thesis going to the root of the matter and proving itself — appears to strike against us harshly, almost offensively. Where my exposition is anti-feminine, and that is nearly everywhere, men themselves will receive it with little heartiness or conviction; their sexual egoism makes them prefer to see woman as they would like to have her, as they would like her to be.

I need not say that I am prepared for the answer women will have to the judgment I Analysls passed on their sex.

Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Character Analysis

But this will help me little and is of such a nature that it cannot in the smallest way rehabilitate me in the minds of women. The analysis, however, goes further than the assignment of blame; it rises beyond simple and superficial phenomena to heights from which there Chqracter not only a view into the nature of woman and its meaning in the universe, but also the relation to mankind and to the ultimate and most lofty problems. A definite relation to the problem of Culture is attained, and we reach the part to played by woman in the sphere of ideal aims. There, also, where the problems of Culture and of Mankind coincide, I try not merely to explain but to assign values, for, indeed, in that region explanation and valuation are identical.

To such a wide outlook my investigation was as it Fkol driven, not deliberately steered, from the outset. The inadequacy of all empirical psychological philosophy follows directly from empirical psychology itself. The respect for Analsyis knowledge will not be injured, but rather will the meaning of such knowledge be deepened, if man recognises in phenomena, and it is from phenomena that he sets out, any Suffocatf assuring him that there is something behind phenomena, if he espies the signs that prove the existence of something higher than phenomena, something that supports phenomena. We may be assured of Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Character Analysis a first principle, although no living man can reach it. Towards such a principle this book presses and will not flag. None the less the problem is Of Characteristics Arthurian Arthur King Romances: The intimately with the deepest riddles of existence.

It can be solved, practically or theoretically, morally or metaphysically, only in Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Character Analysis to an interpretation of the cosmos. Comprehension of the universe, or what passes for such, stands in no opposition to knowledge of details; on the other hand all special knowledge acquires a deeper meaning because of it.

Comprehension of the universe is self-creative; it cannot arise, although the empirical knowledge of every age expects it, as a synthesis of however great a sum of empirical knowledge. In this book there lie only the germs of a world-scheme, and these are allied most closely with the conceptions of Plato, Kant, and Christianity. I have been compelled for the most part to fashion for myself the scientific, psychological, philosophical, logical, ethical groundwork.

I think that at the least I have laid the foundations of many things into which I could not go fully.

Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Character Analysis

I call special attention to the defects of this part of my work because I attach more importance to appreciation of what I have tried to say about the deepest and most general problems than to the interest which will certainly be Charcter by my special investigation of the problem of woman. The philosophical reader may take it amiss to find a treatment of the loftiest and ultimate problems coinciding with the investigation of a special problem of no great dignity; I share with him this distaste.]

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