Atticus Finch Injustice -

Atticus Finch Injustice - the truth

The narrator in Huckleberry Finn is Huck Finn himself. He tells the story from his point of view as a young man and in his own dialect and language. Not only do we hear Huck's own voice in the novel, but through his relating of his adventures, we hear other southern dialects, such as that of former slaves. All of this comes from the perspective of a child in the…. Atticus Finch Injustice Atticus Finch Injustice

Atticus Finch Injustice Video

Searching for Atticus Finch - Joseph Crespino - TEDxEmory

Atticus Finch lost his case because of injustice. Just saying. The simple fact of the matter is that Tom Robinson was clearly innocent.

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The kid may,or may not,have been innocent. But today the shoe is on the other foot Blacks were at one time,in at least some parts of the country,second class citizens.

Atticus Finch Injustice

Today,whites are most assuredly second class citizens from coast to coast and border to border. The several cops on trial I'll say this until the day I die The United States of America is now officially a failed experiment.

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Much information revealed that was distorted or hidden by the media. And Keith Ellison is spending millions trying to get a conviction.

Atticus Finch Injustice

I wonder what would have happened if Atticus was able to file that appeal. I assume he would have lost in the Alabama state courts Not even the "civil rightsers" term coined by the astute deputy in the blatantly fictional "Mississippi Burning" care about civil rights.]

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