Analysis Of Platos Allegory Of The Cave -

Analysis Of Platos Allegory Of The Cave

Analysis Of Platos Allegory Of The Cave - are

Analysis of Plato's Allegory of the Cave Essay example Words 4 Pages Analysis of Plato's Allegory of the Cave Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" presents a vision of humans as slaves chained in front of a fire observing the shadows of things on the cave wall in front of them. The shadows are the only "reality" the slaves know. Plato argues that there is a basic flaw in how we humans mistake our limited perceptions as reality, truth and goodness. The allegory reveals how that flaw affects our education, our spirituality and our politics. How is the allegory of the cave an allegory for enlightenment or philosophical education? Analysis Of Platos Allegory Of The Cave

Analysis Of Platos Allegory Of The Cave - remarkable

While reading the passage, I noticed that, even though the passage was written over years ago, its principles were still applicable to my life in the 21st century. In the passage, several prisoners had spent their entire lives living chained inside a dark cave. The chains prevent the prisoners from seeing the world outside and only able to see the shadows that the real world reflects into the cave. When one of the prisoners escapes and finds out the truth about the world, he is ridiculed and threatened by his former colleagues. The freed prisoner, who now knows the truth of the world, is seen as insane by the people who are still living in the dark. To me, the passage illustrates the concept of how knowing the truth, or being knowledgeable, can make you seem crazy in the eyes of society.

Billions upon billions of people unknowingly live out their lives in a virtual reality. They too would find it difficult to accept any other reality. Consequently, both stories parallel each other in attempt to make the audience question their senses and reality.

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They are born prisoners and they die as prisoners. However, they are entertained and occupied by shadows of objects cast by the puppeteers. This is a poor conception of the true reality, but the prisoners accept it and depend on it. The puppeteers are human, but it is unclear why they want to deceive or even keep the prisoners. Still, each hears and recognizes sounds and shapes of shadows. They believe that the two dimensional world they perceive is the whole reality, but Allevory do not know that shadows have a source and the sounds they gear are not created by the shadows, but instead by the puppeteers behind them.

How does one know whether they are being deceived or not?

Analysis Of Platos Allegory Of The Cave

If another reality exists, how could one escape their current reality to realize an alternate truth? This is what Plato wanted his audience to question.

Analysis Of Platos Allegory Of The Cave

The only difference is that the world source the Matrix is an accurate, three dimensional reality instead Of a simple dark cave with echoing sounds.

The Analysis Of Platos Allegory Of The Cave reality is more like the modern reality. Yet, hose that exist in the Matrix do not realize they are being controlled by Artificial Intelligence, which humans had created many years ago. The robots, which man had made, rose up against humans, which eventually led to war. Desperate to survive, the robots learned that humans were an endless supply of energy. They won the war and began testing on man. Eventually humans were no longer born, they became harvested. In order to keep them unknown of the true reality that exists In that moment, the Matrix was born.

Analysis Of Platos Allegory Of The Cave

Many would not realize that the world they Ppatos in was actually a virtual reality universe controlled by artificial intelligence, the puppeteers. Eventually, Plato begins to question what would come to pass if one man was brought out of the Cave into the real reality.

How would he escape? Why would he want to leave if he is happy with his current reality?

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Plato answers this by another man who was once a prisoner the Cave coming back and forcing another man into the light. As the man exits the cave, he is brought into an immensely bright light. The light pains his eyes. Only by looking back o the Cave, into the darkness, Allegpry his pain subside.

Analysis of Plato's Allegory of the Cave Essay example

The light is so immense and bright that he is blinded. These new three-dimensional objects he has never seen before confuse him. Because of his current condition, he wants to return to his old reality that he can understand and cannot accept his new, Anlysis reality.

Eventually his blindness and pain gradually fade as he begins to understand the Cave was an ill reality and finds living in the light is better. Now that he gained new knowledge of the true reality, he cannot go back to the old reality he had once known.]

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