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The Afterword discusses the many amendments, such those requiring a balanced federal budget or limiting the terms of members of Congress, that have been proposed since the book was originally published and why they failed of passage. At a time when prominent scholars and other public figures have called for a constitutional convention to write a new constitution, arguing that our current system of governance is unsustainable Kyvig reminds us of the high hurdles the founders created to amending the constitution and how they have served the country well, preventing the amendment process from being used by one faction to serve the passions of the moment. In his farewell address, President Washington reminded his audience that the Constitution, "till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all. David Kyvig's illuminating study provides the most complete and insightful history of that amendment process and its fundamental importance for American political lifeOver the course of the past two centuries, more than 10, amendments have been proposed by the method stipulated in Article V of the Constitution. Amazingly, only 33 have garnered the required two-thirds approval from both houses of Congress, and only 27 were ultimately ratified into law by the states. Despite their small number, those amendments have revolutionized American government while simultaneously legitimizing and preserving its continued existence. Indeed, they have dramatically altered the relationship between state and federal authority, as well as between government and private citizens. Kyvig reexamines the creation and operation of Article V, illuminating the process and substance of each major successful and failed effort to change the formal structure, duties, and limits of the federal government. He analyzes in detail the Founders' intentions; the periods of great amendment activity during the s, s, s, and s; and the considerable consequences of amendment failure involving slavery, alcohol prohibition, child labor, New Deal programs, school prayer, equal rights for women, abortion, balanced budgets, term limits, and flag desecration. Advantages Of Ratifying The Constitution.

Advantages Of Ratifying The Constitution Video

To refresh in brief, the Water Compact gives the Indian Tribes the water rights to all surface and subsurface water in almost all of Western Montana, to include Flathead Lake.

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The problem: these water rights are all off-reservation. Everyone is to receive a water meter on their well. The obstacle mentioned in the previous paragraph surfaced from the excellent efforts of House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop, R-UT, who had announced a new procedural change in that requires any Indian and Tribal Ratkfying regarding water to be approved and certified by the Department of the Interior and the Attorney General of the U. House of Representatives. In addition, that introduction of a House version of the compact for a bill consideration rests with the Chairman of the Committee.

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The state law is being challenged in court with a fight also continuing at the federal level. Here is why this is important, even though most of the U. This will set a precedence for a gigantic grab of all water rights in the United States, which is underway already. Every bit of this is Agenda 21 driven and is an integral part of the gobbling up of all property…land, water rights, easements, access routes…all of it is planned to be done under the color of law.

Advantages Of Ratifying The Constitution

Because all authority comes from the barrel of a gun. Understand, Readers, that the compact covers a huge region geographically.

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Zinke and Daines, the Republican leadership in Montana appear to be if not out rightly caving in, at the bare minimum complacent enough to allow this to progress. As reflecting the wills of their constituents, they should be jumping up and down in disagreement to this infliction of a progressive agenda that is not the will of the people.

Advantages Of Ratifying The Constitution

Here we are, now, with an issue that promises, if legislated to drain several billion dollars from the entire United States and funnel it into a local property rights grab that sets precedence for it to be duplicated all across the country. The problem lies in the Constiution that the people are not represented: their will is not reflected within the legislation that is passed into law. The few rule the many, and there is no recourse, ad infinitum, while the citizens suffer.

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The country is dismantled Constitutjon by piece and reformed into a globalist oligarchy that leaves no room for dissent and by color of law institutes slavery…and injustice…for all. He lives in a cabin in the mountains of Western Montana with his wife and three cats. This article may be republished or excerpted with proper attribution to the author and a link to www. Also Read:.]

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