Adeline Mwbray Analysis -

Adeline Mwbray Analysis Video

Adeline Mowbray Audiobook Chapter 18 Adeline Mwbray Analysis

For service to the community, particularly as a general practitioner in the Maclean Shire. Betty Allen For service to people with visual impairments, particularly as a volunteer preparing teaching and learning resources.

Betty Amsden For service to Adeline Mwbray Analysis community as a philanthropist for the arts, animal welfare and health care facilities. Hilda Margaret Armstrong For service to the community, particularly as a supporter and representative for the families of missing persons in the Hunter Valley region.

Dr Clive Oswald Auricht For service to medicine, particularly as an advocate for rural medical practice and rural internships for medical graduates, and as the designer of innovative medical records systems. Aida Olive Ball For service link early childhood education in the Launceston area. Ross Ernest Barlow For service to the Australian music industry through the promotion of the work of singers and musicians, and to the community.

Edward James Baynes For service to the community of Indigo Valley through a range of local safety, conservation and recreational organisations. Lyall Alvin Beven For service to music, particularly as a singer and teacher, and to the community through support for a range of charitable groups. Valmai Adeline Mwbray Analysis Bird For service to the community of Rylstone through a range of health, aged care, emergency service and Adeline Mwbray Analysis welfare organisations. Eric Roberts Black For service to the community, particularly through the programmes of Lions International. Audrey Mae Blood For service to the community of Macksville through a range of social welfare, ex-Service and sporting organisations. Douglas St Clair Blow For service to the community of Albion Park through support for a range of rural, youth, sporting, church and school organisations. Joan Bolton For service to the community as a teacher of porcelain painting in rural areas of south west New South Wales.

Giulia Bonacina For service to the Italian community in the Wollongong area through a range of social welfare, cultural, women's and senior citizen organisations. Christina Urquhart Boughen For service to the arts, particularly as a performer, teacher and examiner of piano, Adeline Mwbray Analysis through the development and organisation of the City of Brisbane Civic Concerts Programme.

Adele Alice Brain For more info to the community of Melbourne as an advocate for educational, health and welfare services for disadvantaged families and people with disabilities.

David Brook For service to primary industry, particularly through the production, marketing and export of organic beef, to local government, and to the communities of Birdsville and the Outback. Ronald Thomas Buckley For service to the community, particularly as an advocate for the rights of youth appearing in Victorian Juvenile Courts and as a probation order supervisor. Dr Mary Barbara Burns For service to the community of Wangaratta, particularly through participation in cultural organisations including the Arts Council and the Festival of Jazz. Jacqueline Mildred Byrnes For service to sport, particularly in the area of athletics. Ronald Bruce Cameron For service to the finance industry, particularly in the areas of administration and regulation, and in the area of public relations. Jessie Rosina Canfield For service to the local communities of Liverpool and Willoughby through support for a range of historical, aged care, welfare and multicultural groups.

Allan Kenneth Chatto For service to the pipe read more movement, particularly in the area of drumming and as a teacher. Terence Herbert Childs For service to the community through participation in heritage and service organisations, and to education.

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Nicholas Dominic Chircop For service to the Maltese community of Victoria through participation in a range of ex-Service, welfare, historical and recreational organisations. Mervyn Frederick Christiansen For service to the community of Mandurah through local government and a range of sporting, youth, aged care and charitable organisations.

Dixie Brettell Clement For service to the community of Mandurah through support for a range of service, social welfare, aged Abalysis and sporting groups.

Adeline Mwbray Analysis

Francis James Colcott For service to youth through programmes aimed at improving education, health and welfare services, and providing employment opportunities for young people. Betty May Comeadow For service to the community of Euroa, particularly in providing assistance to children and young adults with reading difficulties. Beryl Inkster Coombe For service to overseas communities Adeline Mwbray Analysis the work of Interserve, and to the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne in the areas of financial administration and education.

Michael Gerald Coombes For service to the community of Boorowa, Analysls through veterans, social welfare and cultural organisations.

Adeline Mwbray Analysis

Anwlysis Marie Costello For service to the community of Portland through a range of Adeline Mwbray Analysis and sporting organisations. John Daniel Crosby For service to business and commerce, particularly as a property developer, and as a contributor to the provision of rail and water services. Howard Clement Crozier For service to the credit union movement, to the wool industry, and read article the community through participation in rural organisations. Dr Robert John Dalgliesh For Adeline Mwbray Analysis to veterinary science, particularly through the research and development of vaccines against tick-borne diseases affecting cattle in tropical areas.

Neil Charles Davie For service to people with disabilities, particularly autism, through the foundation of the Allamanda Autistic Adult Accommodation Association.]

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