The Seventh Seal Comparison -

The Seventh Seal Comparison - bad

This gives the complete and perfect revelation of Christ. And with this perfect revelation of Christ, the Lord is winding up his entire plan of redemption. So, the spirit of God has already started crying that the time is no more. This brings the fulness of Christ in to the church and gives her the great rupturing faith and brings the unity in the mind and in the heart of the members of the Bride, which is the real unity produced of God. Wherein the Holy Spirit, our Great Joshua has revealed the Thunder mysteries and has tied these loose ended mysteries to the Headstone and has formed a whole message to give the great rupturing faith to the Bride. These mysteries themselves are tied with one another as a cluster, and if we just lift up one we will see that it is tied up with the other mysteries. This sketch looks like a molecular structure of an organic compound where each atom is tied with other atoms by bonds. Each of these mysteries is tied with the Headstone, and they themselves are tied with one another. Amen All these mysteries were packed in the Seventh Seal and sealed with the seven thunders. The Seventh Seal Comparison

The seventh-day Sabbath is like a nail that — Thwack!

The Seventh Seal Comparison

We are so busy, running to and fro, spending money, making money, going here, going there, going everywhere, and then — Thwack! With unceasing regularity, and with no exceptions, the Sabbath silently hurls over the horizon and into every crack and cranny of our lives.

This week we look at this sign in the context of the Sinai covenant.

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The Week at a Glance: Where does the Sabbath have it origins? What evidence proves that the Sabbath existed before Sinai? What makes the Sabbath such an appropriate covenant sign?

The Seventh Seal Comparison

Its origin is found in the Creation week itself. Look up Genesis and Exodus Where do they clearly, and unambiguously, place the origin of the Sabbath? The word rested Hebrew, shabat is related to the noun Sabbath Hebrew, shabbat.

The Seventh Seal Comparison

Evidently, Th teaches the divine origin and institution of the Sabbath as a day of blessing for all humanity. Read Mark Why would God Himself rest on the seventh day? Did He need it? What other purpose might His resting have served? Humankind also is to work for six days and then to rest on the seventh-day Sabbath.


God in His love called the man and the woman on the day after their creation to fellowship in rest, to establish intimate communion with Him, in The Seventh Seal Comparison image they had been made. That fellowship and communion was to last forever. Sdal someone were to ask you, How has keeping the Sabbath benefited your relationship with the Lord, how would you respond? Skim through Exodus 16, the story of the manna provided to Israel, in the desert, before Sinai. Notice what this account reveals: 1.]

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