The Importance Of Food Sovereignty -

The Importance Of Food Sovereignty

The Importance Of Food Sovereignty - for

Your view: Food production natural, sustainable and 'green' Earth Day, which properly would be a time to show respect and appreciation for our Earth — and therefore its creator — has evidently become an opportunity for some to push their agendas with distortions. We saw yet another letter Globe, April 22 telling us we can save the planet The school district was selected by Americorps to handle the program but planning started months ago. Share Agriculture The Christian Science Monitor 2d Pandemic food lesson: Match struggling farms with hungry people Rick Osofsky walks up to his cows grazing peacefully in the lush field next to the milking barn. He strokes their heads affectionately. He knows almost all of his cows by name — and there are around of them. On the other The Importance Of Food Sovereignty

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The pandemic has made it clear why. Human society faces a moment of reckoning. The coronavirus pandemic has brought humanity to its knees and bared its many faultlines. No country has been spared. As scientists scramble to find a vaccine that could rein in the pandemic, many countries have imposed lockdowns requiring people to stay at home. But for many of the poor, this is a challenge.

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Slum-dwellers, living in crammed shacks, cannot abide by social-distancing measures demanded by governments, nor can they follow strict hygiene, as access to running clean water is scarce. The lockdowns have deprived millions of daily wage workers in cities from their income, pushing many families to the verge of starvation.

The Importance Of Food Sovereignty

People living in rural areas are also struggling. While many of us peasants continue to work our fields, we are finding it increasingly difficult to sell our produce.

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Governments have shut down local markets which has left many of our crops rotting in the fields. Small-scale fisher-folk have also suffered. Even if they are able to get to their fishing grounds in the sea, lakes or rivers, Sovereigbty too are finding it difficult to distribute their fish. The same is true for pastoralists and family-owned dairy farms.

The Importance Of Food Sovereignty

Small-scale livestock farmers and peasant families with domestic animals are also worried about finding enough feed for them.]

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