The Abyss Of Hell In Sandro Botticellis Inferno -

The Abyss Of Hell In Sandro Botticellis Inferno - you were

De goddelijke komedie La Divina Commedia is een allegorisch epos van de Florentijnse dichter Dante Alighieri , geschreven in het eerste kwart van de 14e eeuw Het behoort tot de erkende meesterwerken van de wereldliteratuur , [1] en tot de grootste culturele prestaties van de middeleeuwen. Dante beschrijft in de Komedie zijn imaginaire reis door de drie rijken van het hiernamaals: hel , louteringsberg en hemel. Hij is zowel auctor auteur als actor acteur in zijn eigen gedicht, dat lange tijd Il Dante genoemd werd. Hij werd op zijn reis vergezeld door de dichter Vergilius tot aan de hemelpoort van waaraf Beatrice hem verder zal gidsen tot voor God. Aanvankelijk noemde Dante zijn magnum opus in een brief aan Cangrande della Scala simpelweg Comedia ; [2] [3] het was Boccaccio die het in zijn huidige eretitel gaf, maar die werd in de twee eeuwen die daarop volgden nooit gebruikt. Kunsthistorici plaatsen Dante met beide voeten in de middeleeuwen en zijn Goddelijke komedie is daar de mooiste illustratie van. Het werk getuigt van een diepchristelijke levenshouding die gericht was op het hiernamaals en doordrongen van de heilsgedachte: de verlossing van de mensheid uit de zonde door de kruisdood van Christus. Dante toonde weliswaar zijn sterke voorkeur voor klassieke schrijvers en filosofen, maar zijn kennis van de klassieken was vrij beperkt. Hij kende weinig van de Romeinse geschiedenis en zijn concept van historie was eerder theologisch. The Abyss Of Hell In Sandro Botticellis Inferno.

Stunning and rare large leather-bound volume of The Divine Comedy with illustrations by Sandro Botticelli.

The Abyss Of Hell In Sandro Botticellis Inferno

Lorenzo di Pier Francesco de' Medici, cousin of Lorenzo the Magnificent and also an illuminated merchant, commissioned Sandro Botticelli to illustrate Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy at the end of the s. The Florentine artist, fascinated by the mysterious beauty of Dante's poetry, devoted several years of his life to this monumental work. The drawings are engravings on parchment that have then been retraced in ink and partly colored, link bear testament to Botticelli's colossal work that made the canti of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise his own.

The Abyss Of Hell In Sandro Botticellis Inferno

One of the greatest Italian Renaissance artist employed his genius to illustrate this masterpiece of Christian humanism. Written between andthe Comedy represents humanity in search of happiness on earth and salvation in the afterlife. This volume was printed almost forty years ago at the Cassino printing factories.

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The volume Bottjcellis in reasonable condition for its age although it displays some scratches on the cover, a typical yellowing of the pages and a slightly stale smell, aspects that in no way detract from the value of the object as a collector's item. This auction is subject to a Buyer's premium related to the online sales platform that you're using.

This Buyer's premium includes sourcing of the lot, evaluation of authenticity, storage, sales activity and customer support. The total cost for this lot does not include shipping costs, which are not specified until auction closing and vary according to the size and weight of the item, as well as the recipient's address. Tickets, vouchers and goods are generally shipped via courier and must be signed for on delivery, unless otherwise stated. – Art History Stories

In some cases tickets will be left in the auction winner's name for pick up at the ticket office of the event location. Insurance covers the total value of the goods at no extra cost to the buyer. Due to restrictions on the Italian territory that came into force on January 15, we are unable to guarantee delivery in accordance with our standard shipping service. However, any delays will not exceed Abys days.


Press Enter. Change Max Bid. Submit Bid. Volume size: 32 x 42 cm. At the center of our activities are the protection, promotion and enhancement of culture and art in all of their forms and expressions. To this end, one of our main goals for is to create click fund for scholarships OOf deserving but economically disadvantaged students.]

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