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Sumatran Tiger Essays

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Why are Sumatran tigers endangered? Sumatran Tiger Essays Sumatran Tiger Essays

Until the middle of the 19th century, it survived in regions adjoining Mesopotamia and Syriaand was still sighted in the upper reaches of the Euphrates River in the Essas s. Some of the country's last lions were sighted in between Shiraz and Jahrom in Fars Province, and ina lion was spotted about 65 km 40 mi northwest of Dezful.

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Esssys advent Sumatran Tiger Essays increasing availability of firearms led to its local extirpation over large areas. During the Rebellion ofa British officer shot lions. The last lions of Gwalior and Rewah were shot in the s. One lion was killed near Allahabad in By the turn of the century, the Gir Forest held the only Asiatic lion population in India, which was protected by the Nawab of Junagarh in his private hunting grounds.

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Pairs of males rest, hunt and feed together, and display marking behaviour at the same sites. Females associate with up to 12 females, forming a stronger pride together with their cubs. They share large carcasses among each other, but seldom with males.

Sumatran Tiger Essays

Female and male lions usually associate only for a few days when matingbut rarely live and feed together. Home ranges of females are smaller, varying between 67 and 85 km2 26 and 33 sq mi.

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Males in coalitions of three to four individuals exhibit a pronounced hierarchy with one male dominating Sumatran Tiger Essays others. Outside the protected area where wild prey species do not occur, lions prey on water buffalo and cattle, and rarely on dromedary Sumatran Tiger Essays dromedarius. They generally kill most prey less than m ft away from water bodies, charge prey from close range and drag carcasses into here cover.

In the following decades, the wild ungulate population has grown consistently to 31, in and 64, in source, including 52, chital, 4, wild boar, 4, sambar, 2, nilgai, chinkara Gazella bennettiand four-horned antelope Tetracerus quadricornis. In contrast, populations of domestic buffalo and cattle declined following resettlement, largely due to direct removal of resident livestock from the Gir Conservation Area.

The population of 24, domestic livestock in the s declined to 12, by the mids, but increased to 23, animals in Following Sumatran Tiger Essays in both predator and prey communities, Asiatic lions shifted their predation patterns. Today, very few livestock kills occur within the sanctuary, and instead most occur in peripheral villages. Depredation records indicate that in and around the Gir Forest, lions killed on average 2, livestock annually between andand an additional individuals in satellite areas.

Aggression between partners increases when coalitions are large, but kills are small. During these days, they usually do not hunt, but only drink water.

Sumatran Tiger Essays

Gestation lasts about days. Litters comprise one to four cubs. Cubs become independent at the age of about two years. Subadult males leave their natal pride latest at the age of three years and become nomads until they establish their own territory. During a study carried out between December and Decemberthree females were observed switching mating partners in favour of the dominant male. Only new males that entered the female territories killed unfamiliar cubs. Young females mated foremost with males within their home Sumatran Tiger Essays. Older females selected males at the periphery of Sumatran Tiger Essays home ranges.

There are indications of poaching incidents in recent years, as well as reports that organized poacher gangs have switched attention from local Bengal tigers to the Gujarat lions. There have also been a number of drowning incidents, after lions fell into wells. Various studies reveal tremendous habitat recovery and increases in wild ungulate populations following the resettlement of Maldharis since the s.]

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