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Home pope clement vii parents pope clement vii parents 0 comment Uncategorized Numerous drawings exist for these two projects, and the King Edward also angered the French with his possession of French territory. Giulio governed Florence from onwards, and the marble Indeed, a special dispensation from Pope Julius II had been needed to allow the wedding in the first place. Although his parents had not been properly married, they had, it was alleged, been betrothed per sponsalia de presenti, and Giulio, in virtue of a well-known principle of canon law, was subsequently … add example. Although his parents had not had a formal marriage, a canon law loophole allowing for the parents to have been betrothed per sponsalia de presenti meant that Giulio was considered legitimate. See antipope Clement VII[? Pope Clement VII Essays. Pope Clement VII Essays

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Pope Clement VII

The presentday financial system of international banking is deeply inspired by the practices of the Medici Bank. The Medici family Esdays laid some of the core foundations of the present-day political system in Europe. They realised that any rulership needed the unified approach of combining politics with social reforms of economic prosperity, including scholarship. The Medici family rose to prominence as one of the leading financial families of not only Florence but also Italy.

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Their rise was a result of the financial turmoil faced by the Bonsignoris of Siena in AD. The turmoil also led to the shifting of the financial hub of Renaissance Italy from Siena to Florence[ 1 ]. His role as a patron of art and literature left a lasting mark on the artistic and literary heritage of Europe from the Italian Renaissance. To this end, the theme of this paper is to understand the link between the role of Averroism in Medieval Pope Clement VII Essays associated with the University of Clejent in the early Italian Renaissance and the subsequent development of Greek Philosophy that shaped the political thought of Europe which continues to this day. This study traces the history of Greek philosophy briefly from AD onwards during the Roman Pope Clement VII Essays Empire and how the Islamic world helped to shape the later re-importation of Greek Philosophical works of Aristotle and Plato back into Europe.

This part of the European history is extremely important to understand how after the Christian Roman Church of the 4th century annihilated any doctrine that opposed the Christian views of the 4th and 5th centuries and the post-Renaissance re-emergence of the Greek Philosophy in Europe. The fact that the crucial role played by the Medici family through their go here and patronage of Pro-Platonian scholars and artists ensured that the ancient Greek Esxays was nurtured and protected from the powerful Roman Church which deserves a deeper insight.

Pope Clement VII Essays

Hence, this paper challenges the altered existing linear historical narrative that not only precludes the remarkable impact of Pope Clement VII Essays Scholars during the Renaissance and Post-Renaissance political thought of Europe but also minimises the role of the Medici family for their patronage of such scholarly Ppoe. On the other hand, allowance of Church to the Medici Bank to expand its political influence was a shift in the doctrine of usury and this study proposes that this changed forever the landscape of money trade click here continues to this day[ 3 ]. Florin was considered the currency of choice across Europe for inter-trades. The Medici Bank had branches all over the major regions of Italy by AD and had expanded its business across Europe to Switzerland and Belgium[ 7 ].

Decline And Eventual Fall Of The Western Roman Empire

The most significant role of the Medici family is in shaping the European political and financial thought through their use of the Medici Bank in Florentine Italy. The Medici family also used religious means, such as baptism, to expand and consolidate the trade network[ 10 ]. The rise and fall of the Medici Bank in is beyond the discussion topic of this paper.

Pope Clement VII Essays

The main interest lies in the impact that the Medici banking had on Pope Clement VII Essays development of Renaissance Europe till today. There are many historical reasons that have been debated for the decline and final collapse of the Medici Bank. The European banking and finance sector in the pre and post-renaissance period cannot be known entirely without understanding the crucial underlying ideologies underpinning the financial and banking sector through the social doctrines of the Roman Church.

The Roman Church provided the only frame of reference and the guiding principles for the governance Pope Clement VII Essays any states at the time. The social obligations of the society were therefore strongly guided by the Roman Church in Europe at the time. The Church also exerted its powers to dictate to the entire Christian population within Europe, which covered whole Europe, regarding how financial transactions had to be done. The link between the Medici family and the Roman Church was not only through financial instruments. In the correspondence between Cosimo de Medici and the Papacy, which is addressed as the Duke of Florence, a diplomatic process which is much intertwined is also significant.

Pope Clement VII Essays

The Roman Church exercised the spiritual monopoly that extended to the economic monopoly through its exclusive right to interpret all matters of divine law.]

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