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Personal Narrative: My Experience At Methodist College 510
Personal Narrative: My Experience At Methodist College

To unify trees and The Tree, they shaped a meal of fruit and nuts that do not require the killing of any creature, not even a carrot or radish yanked up by its root from the earth.

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So the Seder that emerged is the meal of the Garden of Eden. Bernstein wrote introductory remarks to sections of that Haggadah, many of which have been included or adapted for this one. In each of the Four Worlds in this Haggadah seen as Earth, Water, Air, Fire there are traditional, mystical, musical, and poetical passages, and in each there are also contemporary passages on Methodiet of public policy Earth: food and forest; Water: fracking; Air: climate; Fire: alternative and renewable energy sources. These policy-oriented passages make this a distinctive Haggadah. After these passages, this Haggadah encourages Seder participants to take time for discussion. The desire for such a Haggadah grew from discussions of the Green Hevra, a network of Jewish environmental organizations. With especially deep thanks to Ellen Bernstein and the Green Hevra, I note that neither bears responsibility for this version.

Please feel free to use this Haggadah Personal Narrative: My Experience At Methodist College your own celebration, and to share this Shalom Report with Clolege who might be moved by its fusion of spiritual ceremony, poetic insight, activist energy for profound social change.

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May your celebration bring joy to you and to the Tree of Life. To support The Shalom Center in creating such work, please click here or on the Donate banner to the left. Fire, air, earth and water are the sources and roots of all things above and below, and all things above, below, are grounded in them. And then you will perish from the good earth that the Breath of Life gives you. For each and every grass has its own song and from these songs of the grasses, the shepherds compose their songs. How wonderful it is when one hears their song and how very good to be amongst them serving our Creator in awe. The group as a whole sings. Other activities, such as dancing, storytelling, etc, should be inserted into the appropriate world.]

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