Oedipus Rex Fate Vs Free Will - rmt.edu.pk

Opinion: Oedipus Rex Fate Vs Free Will

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Is Lady Macbeth is more evil than her husband? Lady Macbeth was not eviler than her husband Macbeth. Macbeth was the character who did the deed which therefore makes him more vain. The first evidence that proves that Lady Macbeth cannot be blamed for the death of the king was because it clearly states that…. Oedipus Rex Fate Vs Free Will. Oedipus Rex Fate Vs Free Will Oedipus Rex Fate Vs Free Will

Is Oedipus to blame? Using events from the play what can we say about free-will and responsibility? Lastly, how much does fate play a role in what transpires in the play? Be thorough in your response. Write a pg.

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One must incorporate sources from scholarly journals in addition to the play itself. Must adhere to MLA guidelines.

Oedipus Rex Fate Vs Free Will

This is a first-year College midterm, so write accordingly.]

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