Martin Luther King Jr.: The Fashion Icon Of The 1960s -

Martin Luther King Jr.: The Fashion Icon Of The 1960s Martin Luther King Jr.: The Fashion Icon Of The 1960s

Activists were fragmented by gender, race, tactics and issue silos then too. The machinery of surveillance and repression by local, state and federal government was intense and about to become more so.

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Despite knowing the risk of speaking out, Rev. Martin Luther King stepped forward to offer clarity and direction. Now the speech is receiving new attention, not for reasons of wistful nostalgia but as a vision even more relevant to our times than it was then. To learn more about events already organized to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Dr.

In his speech, Dr. King identified the triplets of racism, militarism and materialism as the legacy we must overcome. Why triplets? Perhaps because biological triplets share a great deal of their DNA. What DNA do these triplets share?

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The DNA of subjugation, of top-down power. Can there be any doubt that today he would? That system is designed to frustrate and confuse us. It sorts us into categories so that some focus on immigration, some on tax policy, some on opposing war, some on gun control, some on the status of women, some on the environment, some on mass incarceration, some on labor issues. And so on.

I Have A Dream By Martin Luther King Jr.

Just look at the trees. Or else. The reaction to Dr. Linking these hard complex problems will lead not to solutions but to deeper confusion. Many who have listened to him with respect will never again accord him the same confidence. He has diminished his usefulness to his cause to his country and to his people. One year to the day after giving the speech, Dr.

King was assassinated. Of all the points made in Beyond Vietnam: A Time To Break Silence, the notion of a radical revolution in values is the most enlightening. The argument has two moving parts: Should the violently established white male private property power system on which the nation is based be moderated?

Martin Luther King Jr.: The Fashion Icon Of The 1960s

If so, in what way? Over time white male property power has been mitigated.

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What we call the Revolutionary War, which overthrew control by British white male property power in favor of local control was neither the first nor the last violent struggle. The Martiin of slavery and the slaughter of Indians created the military basis for the Revolutionary War in the first place. Later, the war that ended chattel slavery and the counter revolution that followed generated enormous death, injury and destruction.]

Martin Luther King Jr.: The Fashion Icon Of The 1960s

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