Liberal feminism Essays -

Liberal feminism Essays

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Feminist Theories Liberal feminism Essays

Key ideas[ edit ] Susie Brighta writer and activist, one of the first persons to be referred to as a sex-positive feminist. Nina Hartley Gayle Rubin summarizes the conflict over sex within feminism.

Comparing and Contrasting Liberal, Socialist, and Radical Feminism

She says that one feminist stream criticizes the sexual constraints and difficulties faced by sexually active women e. They argue that the patriarchy limits sexual expression and are in favor of giving people of all genders more sexual opportunities, rather than restricting pornography.

Liberal feminism Essays

Rather, they see sexual orientation and gender as social constructs that are heavily influenced by society. Other feminists identify women's sexual liberation as the real motive behind the women's movement. Naomi Wolf writes, " Orgasm is the body's natural call to feminist politics. The social background Essays Pulse which sex-positive feminism operates must also be understood: Christian societies are often influenced by what is understood as 'traditional' sexual morality: according to the Christian doctrine, sexual activity must only take Liebral in marriage, and must be vaginal intercourse; sexual acts outside marriage and 'unnatural sex' i. This has led to what many interpret as a double standard between male and female sexuality ; men are expected to be sexually assertive as a way of Liberal feminism Essays their Liberal feminism Essaysbut for a woman to be considered 'good', she must remain pure.

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As such, highly sexed women prostitutes were deemed as abnormal. Sex-positivity allows for and [ And it is why there is a sex-positive feminism and not just sex-positivity. The rise of second-wave feminism was concurrent with the sexual revolution and rulings that loosened legal restrictions on access to pornography.

Liberal feminism Essays

In the s, radical feminists became increasingly focused on issues around sexuality in a patriarchal society. Some feminist groups began to concern themselves with prescribing what proper feminist sexuality should look like.

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This was especially characteristic of lesbian separatist groups, but some heterosexual women's groups, such as Redstockingsbecame engaged with this issue as well. On the other hand, there were also feminists, such as Betty Dodsonwho saw women's sexual pleasure and masturbation as central to women's liberation. Pornography was not a major issue during this era; radical feminists were generally opposed to pornography, Liberal feminism Essays the issue was not treated as especially important until the mids.]

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