Labour Migration In East Africa -

Labour Migration In East Africa

Labour Migration In East Africa Video

Who needs migrant workers? Controversies in international labour migration

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DG Vitorino made the remarks at the virtual Chairmanship handover ceremony during which Nepal was commended for its achievements, notably the work of the five Colombo Process Thematic Areas Working Groups towards greater understanding of labour migration governance across and beyond the region, and the contribution of the Colombo Process Member States to the Global Compact for the Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration GCM. Afghanistan succeeds Nepal as Chair of the Colombo Process for a period of two years. It brings together 12 South and Southeast Asian labour-sending countries in a member state-driven, non-binding regional consultative process on migration to facilitate dialogue and cooperation on issues of common interest and concerns relating to labour mobility. As the Chair, Nepal had promoted the Colombo Process position and ensured its high visibility also in the preparatory processes leading up to the GCM. As the Chair for the next two years, Afghanistan will pursue an ambitious program of priorities to guide its mandate and advance its achievements. The Afghan Chairmanship will focus on how to ensure that labour mobility governance responds to the socioeconomic recovery from COVID, protecting workers throughout the labour migration process and ensuring safe and regular pathways for migration. Labour Migration In East Africa

South Africa: Death and Labour Disputes Tarnish Blyvooruitzicht Here Mine's Shine 11 April opinion By Tim Cohen The killing of a union leader and director of Blyvooruitzicht mine might seem like another day in the life of SA's blood-drenched labour disputes, but in many ways it stands apart, not least as an example of SA's peculiar brand of toxic unionism and the growing power of zama-zamas.

Labour Migration In East Africa

First published in the Daily Maverick weekly newspaper. The story of the Migratkon mine at Blyvooruitzicht is symbolic of so many things, most of all perhaps the decline of gold mining in SA. The mine, founded almost a century ago, is situated 5km south of Carletonville, and is so iconic that the village was the setting for a s SABC TV soap opera called The Villagers.

Labour Migration In East Africa

The highest point in the village is a hill called Isidingo, which is where the mine manager's house was built. The SA soap opera Isidingo derived its name from that hill.

Labour Migration In East Africa

And the irony is that gold grades have always been good, so much so that in the s the mine village was notionally one of the richest per capita places in the world assisted]

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