John Locke Vs Montesquieu Essay -

John Locke Vs Montesquieu Essay John Locke Vs Montesquieu Essay.

Staying in the middle Some issues of this site are being discussed at The Occidental Observer, the comments section of a recent book-review by Professor Kevin MacDonald.

I left a comment and a commenter said yesterday : C. I was a naive Christian for much of my life before discovering eye-opening material such as yours.

John Locke Vs Montesquieu Essay

The thread is interesting. This was the Loke comment of Tom Sunic: Nice review, valuable comments. One of them responded: Tom: You are a great asset to the movement and I respect your work. I know that you are vehemently anti-Christian with some justification in light of modern-day Christianity acting in opposition to the interest of European people. Christianity is not the problem, but rather Jewish intellectual subversion of Christianity.

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Traditional Christians are potential allies and a recruitable population that can be moved into the dissenting right column. Examples: E. This is how Sunic resorted to a doublethink-like compromise: Yes. I agree.

John Locke Vs Montesquieu Essay

I am not hostile to Christianity—nor to Catholicism having in my close and distant families and friends Jesuits, Dominicans, etc. Our own sense of the sacred we should keep to ourselves—and not put it on public display. Not of European ancestry.

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The problem with Sunic is that he insists on staying in the middle of the psychological Rubicon, where they go here throw stones Locme him from both sides of the river Normieland and our side. They are not only wilfully ignorant of the work of Biblical historical criticism but their view about the gospel borders on fundamentalism. As Gaedhal said today on this site, when you see the craven and cultivated stupidity of whites, those who prostrate themselves before an obscene book of Semitic nonsense, an obscene compendium scribbled by Jews, then you welcome the racial destruction that is coming their way.

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