Health Benefits Of Acupuncture -

Health Benefits Of Acupuncture - excellent message

Meditation is a habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. People also use the practice to develop other beneficial habits and feelings, such as a positive mood and outlook, self-discipline, healthy sleep patterns and even increased pain tolerance. Health benefits of meditation include relief from stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and acute respiratory infection. It increases IQ, pain tolerance and helps in weight loss. It is also beneficial in maintaining blood pressure. Some forms of meditation can improve depression and create a more positive outlook on life. Anyone can practice meditation. Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. Meditation originally was meant to help deepen understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life. Health Benefits Of Acupuncture Health Benefits Of Acupuncture

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How does acupuncture work exactly?

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How Acupuncture Can Relieve Your Headache Pains

Acupuncture for fibromyalgia FM has become more common over the years, especially since more and more research has shown the benefits of this treatment. One in five people with fibromyalgia seek acupuncture treatment within two years of diagnosis. Because fibromyalgia is a difficult condition to treat and many people with it have trouble tolerating drugs and even supplements, complementary and alternative treatments like acupuncture are especially appealing and represent a potential way to relieve fibromyalgia symptoms. The medical use of acupuncture goes back Health Benefits Of Acupuncture 2, years.

It is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves placing hair-thin needles at strategic points around the body.

Acupuncture FAQs.

In many cases, the needle is twisted until the practitioner feels something called the needle grasp. That part is believed to be important in producing a pain-relieving effect. Acupuncture points are located on meridians; however, modern acupuncture may also be performed on myofascial trigger pointswhich are tight areas of connective tissue that can radiate pain. Most people—even those with fibromyalgia—report no pain Health Benefits Of Acupuncture just a momentary twinge when the needles are inserted and upon needle grasp. The theory held by Western medicine is that acupuncture stimulates or activates several mechanisms in the body, including the:. Acupuncture has many potential health benefits for fibromyalgia, including:.

Acupuncture therapy has several advantages over conventional fibromyalgia treatments, such as:.

Health Benefits Of Acupuncture

Research using functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI shows that acupuncture has real effects on brain structures involved in pain. Larger and longer-term high-quality studies are needed to draw firm conclusions, but thus far, acupuncture appears to be a safe and effective treatment for fibromyalgia.

Health Benefits Of Acupuncture

Studies also support a variation of the ancient treatment called electroacupuncture EAwhich uses an electronic device to deliver a small current between pairs of needles. Some studies have even shown it to be especially effective for FM. A Cochrane review concluded that Source appears to be better than standard acupuncture for FM when Aculuncture comes to improving:. Health Benefits Of Acupuncture not all researchers agree on the strength of the current evidence for this intervention, a review stated that acupuncture therapy is an effective and safe treatment for patients with FM, and this treatment can be recommended for the management of FM. It concluded that acupuncture was more effective in the short and long term than conventional FM medications and that no serious side effects had been found.

Even so, the researchers stated that more large-scale, long-term studies need to be performed.]

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