Free Speech: Freedom Of Speech On Campus -

Free Speech: Freedom Of Speech On Campus

Free Speech: Freedom Of Speech On Campus Video

Free Speech: Colleges in the Crossfire - Moving Upstream Free Speech: Freedom Of Speech On Campus

Supreme Court wrestled openly on Wednesday with how to balance the free speech rights of American teenagers on social media with the needs of schools to maintain order and discipline in classrooms and on playing fields. The justices heard oral arguments in an appeal by a Pennsylvania school district seeking to reverse a sweeping lower court decision that said what students say off campus after hours is strictly off-limits for punishment by school officials. They were wary of that stark standard even as most were also uneasy with the idea of schools policing student speech unfettered, after hours.

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She was reinstated to the team and graduated last spring. Attorneys for the district argue that schools need to be able to respond to student speech that is disruptive, even if it takes place off of school property. The court has not addressed the matter of school-related speech made off campus, after hours on social media.

Free Speech: Freedom Of Speech On Campus

Over nearly two hours of arguments, the justices openly wrestled with how and where to draw the line. Can you punish her for cursing on the way to school?

Free Speech: Freedom Of Speech On Campus

Justice Stephen Breyer wondered openly whether court precedent authorized any school punishment for the type of posting made by Levy. She cares. A year suspension from the team just seems excessive to me.


ACLU attorney David Cole, representing Brandi Levy, said communities across the country already have anti-bullying and anti-harassment legislation that is constitutional and enforceable. All rights reserved. Biden gave a News.]

Free Speech: Freedom Of Speech On Campus

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