Farewell My Concubine Film Analysis - rmt.edu.pk

Farewell My Concubine Film Analysis Farewell My Concubine Film Analysis

Plot[ edit ] Set during the early Joseon Dynastythe film begins with a concubine of the previous king Park Ji-young in a precarious position of having no blood ties to her step son, the current childless, widow king Jung Chan. She schemes to replace him on the throne with her submissive young son Sung-won Kim Dong-wook.

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Indifferent to his mother's plans, the timid prince falls in love at first sight with Hwa-yeon Jo Yeo-jeongan aristocrat's daughter, who has already found love with Kwon-yoo Kim Min-joona low-born commoner. When her father Ahn Suk-hwan must send her to the royal palace as a concubine for the king, the two lovers try to elope but are caught after their first night together.

Farewell My Concubine Film Analysis

Hwa-yeon agrees to enter the palace in exchange for saving Kwon-yoo's life. Five years later, Hwa-yeon has become the Queen from giving birth source a son. Sung-won comes back from traveling to see the King upon hearing of his ill-health.

In a private conversation, Sung-won gifts a hair stick to Hwa-yeon as a present and confession of his feelings.

Farewell My Concubine Film Analysis

Fafewell king dies of a mysterious illness, and the former concubine sits her son, Prince Sung-won, on the throne as a puppet king, naming herself Regent and Queen Mother and Farewell My Concubine Film Analysis firm control over the royal court. Hwa-yeon is moved to a closely watched, humble residence, where she is under surveillance constantly. When Hwa-yeon's father, a royal court minister, attempts to prove that the previous king died from poisonous assassination, he and all of the ministers disloyal to the queen mother are arrested for treason. Hwa-yeon discovers her former lover, Kwon-yoo, working in the castle among the eunuchs.

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Initially glad to see him, she reaches out for comfort more info assistance, hoping some of their original feelings remain. Though his life was spared, Kwon-yoo was castrated by Hwa-yeon's father for daring to elope with her and he is now resentful and embittered towards both of them. Kwon-yoo has aligned himself with Minister Yoon and the Queen Mother to find power in his new position and rebuffs This web page. Hwa-yeon's efforts to free her father and rescue him from execution are sabotaged by Kwon-yoo, who directly undermines Sung-won's exoneration orders to ensure the man's death.

Kwon-yoo agrees to assassinate Hwa-yeon and her child with a block of poisonous aconite received from Minister Yoon by the orders of the Queen Mother, who wishes to secure her position and remove Hwa-yeon from influencing Sung-won. Sung-won is still very attracted to Hwa-yeon, bestowing favors and attention.

In a fit of pique, he takes Geum-ok, Hwa-yeon's personal maid, as a minor concubine so he can inquire about Hwa-yeon's private habits. One night, Sung-won enters Geum-ok's room and is frothed into a rage when he sees her wearing the hair stick he had gifted to Hwa-yeon. To save her own life, Geum-ok reveals that Kwon-yoo had a relationship with Hwa-yeon, and that the young prince had been born prematurely, making his parentage suspect. Sung-won confronts Hwa-yeon, accusing her of hiding her lover as a fake eunuch, but dismisses the accusations after pulling down Kwon-yoo's pants to reveal his castration.

Sung-won attempts to rape Hwa-yeon, but Hwa-yeon shoves him off and tells him to "come back when you become a true King. In order to place his son on the throne and place a trap for the Queen Mother and King, Kwon-yoo turns on Farewell My Concubine Film Analysis Yoon by placing the poison in Sung-woo's medicinal drink. However, Kwon-yoo is left with no choice but to drink his own concoction to allay suspicion from Hwa-yeon and his child. After Kwon-yoo's violent reaction to the poisonous medicinal drink, the interrogated physician admits that Minister Yoon, who is Farewell My Concubine Film Analysis beneath the Queen Mother, is head of medicine.]

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