Essay On Saving Private Ryan -

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Essay On Saving Private Ryan Essay On Saving Private Ryan

Essay On Saving Private Ryan Video

How SAVING PRIVATE RYAN desensitizes us to battlefield suffering (film analyisis)

The desaturation caused viewers to complain which shows it had the desired effect of being very realistic. The usage of handheld cameras made the film more realistic as well because it made the audience feel a part of the film. They are all filled with amazing audio and visual codes which enables the audience Essay On Saving Private Ryan feel part of the action. The scene shows the present-day of an old man visiting graves in Normandy, and then it shows the past of Captain John Miller at war. The scene starts with a close-up of the American flag this shows that it is from an American point of view. Whilst the flag is on-screen a non-diegetic sound is heard, it is slow patriotic music playing.

This is a very emotional type of music, but it is also proud as well.

Essay On Saving Private Ryan

A tracking shot is shown of an old man, Private Ryan, walking with his family into a field of white crosses for the soldiers that died in the battle. The audience feels now as if they are part of his family because of the type of camera movement.

Essay On Saving Private Ryan

This tracking shot then turns into a medium shot of the elderly man crouching down amongst the crosses, this shows the number of white crosses is there. The mans face becomes very emotional with a close-up, as he starts Savinf cry there is an extreme close-up of his eyes which then moves down to his shaking hand as he looks back to the battle. Before the picture was on screen there was the sound of crashing waves in a wild storm. In the background, there is actually stormy weather at sea causing the crashing waves. A medium shot is shown of the soldiers on the boat; they all look nervous, anxious and so Rysn Essay On Saving Private Ryan are being sick. Captain John Miller is shouting out commands out to them over the sounds of vomiting. The audience is now starting to panic because in the next half of a minute the Esasy are going to get shot at and killed. The soldiers that were getting shot, most of them had got killed outright before they actually had time to fight against them for their country.

Hand-held cameras were used a lot for this scene because the audience can feel more about the film rather than if they used normal cameras on stands etc. Some of the soldiers that were on the boat were Essay On Saving Private Ryan into the water thinking that they would have more chance of living by swimming to the shore. I think the explosions were causing them to be thrown into the water. The handheld camera shots were then taken underwater so you could see the soldiers getting shot at again this more affective because you could see the blood colouring the water red. The diegetic sounds of being underwater were very good as well; you could hear the bullets flying through the water Szving the sound is muffled as the camera bobs in and out of the water.

A two-shot source then shown of a soldier helping another man of their troop that had just got shot and fell to the floor. It is also a mid-shot because it shows how much he is suffering from the shot. The sounds of the scene made it very realistic as well because you could hear explosions, Essay On Saving Private Ryan, men screaming and shouting and command being shouting for things to be done.

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There was one or two over the shoulder shots from the Germans. This made the Americans look very small with no chance at all. He has actually made up the beach by this point. A medium shot is shown of him sitting in the water watching battle in shock, even though he has probably gone into war battles many times before he still is shocked at the sights of it.

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There is no music in the background as link is sitting down because he has become temporarily deaf.

More point of view shots is shown from the Germans. After a few minutes, Captain Miller can hear again and his shock subsides, a medium shot is there to prove this. sEsay

Essay On Saving Private Ryan

As the handheld cameras are moving you can hear a person breathing, these little effects make the viewers feel more of a part of the film which makes it more and more realistic.]

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