Consensus And Disagreement In The Pursuit Of Knowledge -

Consensus And Disagreement In The Pursuit Of Knowledge Video


Consensus And Disagreement In The Pursuit Of Knowledge - something is

Monaco quickly instituted a change, according to Matthew Olsen, a former director of the National Counterterrorism Center. Most had lost faith in the government, and she sought them out to ensure that a new hostage policy was fair and credible. Her experience with cyberissues will help give her office an influential voice as the Biden administration confronts threats from countries like Russia, which it penalized Thursday for hacking U. Story continues Monaco will also work closely with Attorney General Merrick Garland to rebuild trust in the Justice Department after it became a target of Trump and his allies. Monaco is also known for being careful to build support for her views. She worked briefly with Monaco when they were both prosecutors in the U. Monaco will not only referee internal disputes; she will also weigh in on consequential and potentially politically fraught decisions, like whether to charge rioters with sedition. Democrats, who often refer to the rioters as insurrectionists and domestic terrorists, could be angered if no sedition case is brought. Consensus And Disagreement In The Pursuit Of Knowledge.

In keeping with the spirit of Utopography, these will explore the projection and criticism of ideal societies, the interactions of space and temporal narratives, the creation of social dreams and the reality of working within and through the present.

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This project also furthers Critical Practice's ongoing research into value and evaluation as dynamic processes for making sense of our increasingly complex world s. Critical Practice is fascinated by utopographic methods and eager to understand how they may advance the embedded, specific and localised characteristics that distinguishes the cluster's practice-based research. Phase One: Facilitated by Amy Butt and Charlotte Knox-Williams, two participatory workshops offered space to play with ideas surrounding utopography while linking this with Critical Practice's ongoing research into evaluation and the cluster's self-organised ways of working. We unwrapped surprises and made models en route to envisioning our collaborative utopographic experience.

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We talked about combining analogue and digital, making networks manifest through a massive hammock-like roof and weaving together our disparate desires and sensibilities in heretofore unimagined forms of collaborative macram. Phase Two: International utopographers from Paris, New York and elsewhere joined with Dan, Critical Practice and other Chelsea locals to create a network-like roof across the Triangle Space by tying cords between batons secured to the walls.

Consensus And Disagreement In The Pursuit Of Knowledge

We discovered through practice that looping the cords in a particular way makes the shonky mesh source robust. There was disagreement about where to focus our energies. While some enjoyed ornamenting the network, others were committed to extending it. Consensus on this remains forthcoming. Phase Three: Fitted with a networked roof designed to support the program through being reconfigured in response to specific events suspended artefacts, sectioning the space, etc the Triangle will host an experimental program: performances, radical screenings, no-holds-barred debates, games, audio environments, swarms and tournaments of evaluation.

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This phase is open to the public and everyone is welcome. Join us for an immersive and emergent experience. Up-to-the-minute details can be found on the Critical Practice wiki. Phase Four: We will generate a publication that knits together new knowledge spun through our collaborative work and play. Funded by the Graduate School, and provisionally edited by Dan Smith, this publication will bring together reflections from all those involved. Titled Utopographies: Evaluation, Consensus and Location, it will be disseminated via the Critical Practice wiki in keeping with the cluster's commitment to creating knowledge resources that are public and accessible. Visit the Critical Practice wiki for more info.]

Consensus And Disagreement In The Pursuit Of Knowledge

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