Comparing Dantes Inferno And Purgatorio -

Comparing Dantes Inferno And Purgatorio Comparing Dantes Inferno And Purgatorio

Assignment Questions Note: Book numbers have been provided in order to give you a general direction of where to look.

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Comparing Dantes Inferno And Purgatorio

Who is Dame Fortune and what is her function? Compare and contrast Charon, the boatman who earlier carried Dante and Virgil across the river of Acheron Comparkng hell itself with Phlegyas, who later carries them across the river of Styx to the city of Dis. Compare and contrast Farinata with Cavalcante dei Cavalcanti.


How does Dante relate to each man? At some point, Dante and Virgil encounter a group of Centaurs. Describe the scene that unfolds. Cantos 7. How does Dante depict the grafters cantos ? What kind of people are they?

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Comparing Dantes Inferno And Purgatorio

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