Who Is Responsible For Romeo And Juliets Death - rmt.edu.pk

Who Is Responsible For Romeo And Juliets Death - will not

Romeo and Juliet illustrate how the love brings them together to over power the control of their relationship. The moment that Romeo and Juliet declare their love for one another, they try to keep their love a secret since they are the children of the feuding families, the Montagues and the Capulets. Friar Lawrence says this line to Romeo, advising him to not rush his actions, and furthermore, his love. However, the story of Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, is full of Romeo and Juliet rushing their decisions and making rash choices that ultimately lead to their death. Romeo and Juliet is set in Verona, where two influential families, the Montagues and Capulets, feud against each other. The ambience around Romeo and Juliet assisted in the calamity of their relationship. In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet shifts from one person to another. Who Is Responsible For Romeo And Juliets Death

Love In Romeo And Juliet

This is about Romeo and Juliet, which is a basic love story that ends in a tragedy and that is why I had chosen that intro. This story will resemble two young Adults falling in love and making the wrong decisions which lead to both of their deaths and a few other deaths.

Who Is Responsible For Romeo And Juliets Death

Friar John not delivering the letter caused Romeo to take Jurassic measures when he heard Juliet had died. Because of The prince and Friar Johns actions it lead to a depressing ending.

Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

Both of them had caused Romeo and Juliet to die and because of the prince banishing Romeo, Lady Capulet had died too. Both of them are mainly responsible because of there actions and what they had failed to do and had done.

The prince banishing Romeo. Caused romeo to die because he never knew what was going to happen Ia to him being banished. Friar John failing a task.

Who Is Responsible For Romeo And Juliets Death

Friar john ended up getting Romeo …show more content… First, The Prince is to blame because He banished Romeo Which in turn made the Friar come up with a plan to get Juliet to him which in the end would end up killing both of them. Secondly, Friar John is to blame because He had failed to send a message to Romeo which would have stopped him from killing someone and himself which lead to Juliet getting killed too.

However, Friar Lawrence had married Romeo and Juliet and then in the end had Friar John take a message to Romeo which failed to send, but with that he had proof that he did not kill them.]

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