The Importance Of Odysseus In Homers Odyssey -

The Importance Of Odysseus In Homers Odyssey - remarkable

Share Tweet Print Email Most of us have experienced Homer in high school or perhaps college, so this story should not hold any surprises. Though I did not expect them, I found a few new things to share. The trope is a familiar one. The hero is on a journey rife with challenges on a path to love and riches. It sounded like a Dora the Explorer episode to me. Every time the gods came to help, I heard the map song and every time they tried to thwart Odysseus, I heard that shaker sound of Swiper. But Homer brings more than just the original Dora concept and a captivating narrative. He describes the self-interest, loyalty, and resilience found in human nature. If we all acted in our own self-interest, the world would be easier to predict, but it would be a sad world. The suitors act in their self-interest using societal norms to justify eating and drinking Penelope and the family out of everything. The Importance Of Odysseus In Homers Odyssey

Due to the order of sales, I bought and listened to the Aeneid first.

Odysseus Role in the Odyssey

Not a big deal, but this led to some belated aha moments while listening to the others. All 3 courses are truly great. Vandiver manages to get in all the scholarly stuff, all the necessary interpretations, and the story, without diminishing any of the The Importance Of Odysseus In Homers Odyssey aspects. I understand the works much better now than I did when I was forced to study them in high school and college. And each now makes sense internally and in relation to the other two. Note that it appears that The Illiad and The Odyssey were meant to be, or were created as, a single lecture course but were split into 2 lecture courses. Not a big deal, but if you only buy one you'll miss out on some of the introductory lectures from the other that should be heard.

Vandiver speaks clearly and maintained my interest throughout. She is definitely one of the top Great Courses professors and I've only got one more of her courses to buy I have the DVD version of another of her courses and the graphics in that course were of poor quality. I therefore purchased the download versions of The Iliad, The Odyssey, and The Aeneid they were fine: I never felt I had missed something by not having the graphics or maps.

Some familiarity with the geography will help but is not necessary. Yes, I realize I've used essentially the same review for The Iliad, The Odyssey, and The Aeneid, but they make up parts of a much longer epic and, therefore, I feel the same comments apply.

The Importance Of Odysseus In Homers Odyssey

Date published: Rated 5 out of 5 by Gandalph from Excellent Course This is a first-rate course. Elizabeth Vandiver Homerss gut feeling for the Odyssey and the larger context of the Greek world in which it is set. The world the Greek Gods is so different from ours that it is very difficult to present the situation so that it seems natural to us. Vandiver does a good job handling this situation.

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She is a master at communicating what is really going on. I thoroughly enjoyed the course. I have listened to Prof.

The Importance Of Odysseus In Homers Odyssey

Vandiver's course on the the Iliad and on Classical Mythology, and I would recommend both of them as well. Date published: Rated 5 out of 5 by kjv72 from fascinating series I think Elizabeth Vandiver is an excellent storyteller, and really knows her content. She conveys her enthusiasm for the material in such a way as to draw in the listener. She is able to keep the material interesting by weaving her historical knowledge into the story, keeping it alive and interesting. Date published: Rated 5 out of 5 by geoperky from Honey, I'm home Audio download. Professor Vandiver has a direct lecturing style that The Importance Of Odysseus In Homers Odyssey her depth of Tue of both the historicity of the story and the context oral delivery, handed down for over years until it was finally recorded on 'paper' within which it was originally sung. The story is one that we all know, but what a story it is after nearly years it still works. I have attempted to read translations by Pope and then Cowper Cowper is the better Vandiver recommends the Lattimore version, claiming it has the best rendition of the verse style This is a great lecture series and highly recommended, especially when Imporrtance sale and with a coupon.

Date published: Rated 5 out of 5 by Catty from Excellent course!

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This was an excellent course. Professor Vandiver is knowledgable, organized, and interesting. She includes enough basic information about the story itself that if you haven't read the Odyssey in a long time - or ever - you don't feel like it's over your head. At the same time, there is a lot more to the course than simply recapping the story, so if you are more familiar with the book, it's still new and informative.

I really enjoy this professor's style and presentation, and am looking forward to my next course, which she also teaches.]

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