Team Situational Awareness -

Team Situational Awareness - would like

Information Set A should include a list of three to four patients by name, sex, and age. Patient Simmons is a year-old female. Patient Bailey is a year-old male. Information Set B should include some details of past medical history, presenting symptoms, or scheduled procedure for each patient listed in Information set A. Patient Simmons is hypotensive and experiencing tachycardia, and you are concerned about a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Patient Bailey has tachypnea, tachycardia, and fever, and you are concerned about pneumonia. A Status Board slide should be prepared for display that includes the standard information used on a specific unit for patients listed in the information sets. An example Status Board is found in the slides. You should modify as needed for your audience, based on the units they work on. This exercise can be conducted in small groups or with the entire participant group. Team Situational Awareness.

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Complexity of care during CPR, involvement of numerous providers, miscommunication, Team Situational Awareness other exogenous factors can all contribute to negatively influencing patient care, thus Team Situational Awareness survival.

We will compare the impact of the InterFACE tool with conventional communication methods on SA and effective team communication during a standardized pediatric in-hospital cardiac arrest and a polytrauma high-fidelity simulations. Forty-eight participants will be randomized to consecutively perform two min video-recorded scenarios using either the mHealth tool or conventional methods. Enrollment will start in late and data analysis in early We anticipate that the intervention will be completed by early and study results will be submitted in mid for publication. Discussion This clinical trial will assess the impact of a collaborative mHealth tool on increasing situational awareness and effective team communication during in-hospital pediatric resuscitation.

Team Situational Awareness

As research in this area is scarce, the results generated by this study may become of paramount importance in improving the care of children receiving in-hospital CPR, in the era of increasing communication technology. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.

Team Situational Awareness

Registered on 9 July ]

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