Social Work Case Study: A 75-Year-Old Patient -

Social Work Case Study: A 75-Year-Old Patient - right!

He has been a resident at your institution for the past 3 years and his wife of 52 years is his health care proxy. She visits him daily and assists with his meals. Jones is having increased difficulty swallowing and Mrs. Jones has requested that the staff stop feeding Mr. The primary care provider has suggested the placement of a feeding tube for nutrition, but Mrs. Jones has declined the offer of a feeding tube. There are no Advanced Directives and Mrs. Joes has been acting as Mr. Social Work Case Study: A 75-Year-Old Patient

Social Work Case Study: A 75-Year-Old Patient Video

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Also, it examined whether the information seeking behaviours of contributors affected their level of knowledge of social security issues.

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Three hundred respondents were surveyed using the multi-stage sampling approach. The study revealed that there were low levels of knowledge of social security contributions and benefits among formal sector contributors in the Akuapem-North municipality. In addition, the study identified lack of motivation to seek information, relevance Pxtient the topic to the contributors, misconceptions about social security issues, apathy and time constraints as factors that accounted for the more info in social security knowledge among formal sector contributors in Akuapem-North municipality.

Also, findings suggested that the sources through which contributors sought information on social security issues affected their level of knowledge of social security issues.

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The contributors used more interpersonal sources of information than mass media. The study found that there were active searchers 75-Year-Olx information, that is contributors who consciously sought information to increase their level of knowledge, and passive searchers of information who unconsciously gained some knowledge on social security issues without them seeking the information. This study recommends that contributors should be encouraged to interact with information sources and even the internet to be updated on their social security contributions and benefits. Subscribe to access this work and thousands more.]

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