Remedial education Essays -

Remedial education Essays Remedial education Essays

For this Assignment, you will evaluate the validity of a qualitative research study and examine the role of qualitative research in special education. Examine the findings of the studies to determine the appropriateness for special education.

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Develop a 3—4 page paper that includes the following sections: Note: The Validity of the Findings should refer to the study you selected and The Role of Qualitative Research should address the larger issues concerning qualitative research and special education. The Validity of the Findings a.

Remedial education Essays

How valid is this study? Explain what you believe supports the validity of this study, citing specifically from your selected study. What are the threats Rmeedial the internal and external validity of the study? Explain what might prevent you from trusting the results and generalizing the findings to other people or situations.

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Then, explain how you might minimize threats to validity in the study. The Role of Qualitative Research a.

Remedial education Essays

What are the inherent benefits and challenges of qualitative research? Support your response with specific reference to the Learning Resources and outside resources.

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What role does qualitative research play in supporting the field of special Remedial education Essays Be sure to explain whether qualitative research benefits the field of special education. Cite specific references to your selected study and at least 3—5 peer-reviewed outside resources. Note: For this Assignment and all scholarly writing in this course and throughout eduucation program, you will be required to use APA style 6th edition.]

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