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Pure Food and Drug Act Essays

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What is the Pure Food and Drug Act Pure Food and Drug Act Essays

Supreme Court of United States. Argued October 21, 22, Decided January 18, William A. Kennedy Bryan for defendants in error.

Pure Food and Drug Act Essays

The Foof in these cases present the question of http://rmt.edu.pk/nv/custom/evaluating-the-limitations-of-market-research/personification-in-the-poem-gold-annotation.php validity, under the Constitution of the United States, of the act of the general assembly of the State of South Carolina, approved January 2,generally known as the state dispensary law, and a copy of which is in the margin.

Horner v.

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United States, U. Our inspection of these records does not satisfy us that this objection is well founded. These allegations must, for the purpose of disposing of the present question, be accepted by us as true or, at least, as susceptible of proof.

Pure Food and Drug Act Essays

Damages have been defined to be the compensation which the law will award for an injury done, and are said to be exemplary and allowable in excess of the actual loss, where a tort is aggravated by evil motive, actual malice, deliberate violence or oppression. While some courts Foodd text-writers have questioned the soundness of this doctrine, it has been accepted in England, in most of the States of this Union, and has received the sanction of this court. In the case of Wilkes v.

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Damages are designed not only as a satisfaction to the injured person, but likewise as a punishment to the guilty, to deter from any such proceeding for the future, and as a proof of the detestation of the jury to the action itself. In the case of Huckle v. Money, 2 Wilson,there was a motion for a new trial Pure Food and Drug Act Essays the ground that the jury had allowed excessive damages. It was proved on the trial that the plaintiff was a journeyman printer, and was article source in custody by the defendant, under the general warrant of a secretary of State, upon suspicion of having printed a certain libellous paper; that the defendant kept him in custody about six hours, but used him very civilly by treating him with beef-steaks and beer, so that he suffered very little or no damages.

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The jury gave him a verdict in three hundred pounds damages. In disposing of the motion, the Lord Chief Justice Pratt said: "That if the jury had been confined by their oath to consider the mere personal injury only, perhaps twenty pounds damages would have been thought sufficient; but the small injury done to the plaintiff, or the inconsiderableness of his station and rank in life, did not appear to the jury in that striking light, in which the great point of law touching the liberty of the subject appeared to them at the trial I cannot say what damages I should have given if I had been upon the jury, but I directed and told them they were not bound to any certain damages. Upon the whole I am of opinion the damages are not excessive, and that it is very dangerous for the judges to intermeddle in damages for torts; it must be a glaring case indeed of outrageous damages in a tort, and which all mankind at first blush Essys think so, to induce a court to grant a new trial for excessive damages.

Woodworth, 13 How. We are aware that the propriety of this doctrine has been questioned by some writers, but if repeated judicial decisions for more than a century are to Purd received as the best exposition of what the law is, the question will not admit of argument.

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By the common, as well as by statute law, men are often punished for aggravated misconduct or lawless acts, by means of a civil action, and the damages inflicted by way of penalty or punishment given to the party injured. In many civil actions, such as libel, slander, seduction, etc.

Quigley, 21 How. This was likewise recognized as well-settled doctrine in the case of Lake Shore Railway v.]

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