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English Essay To Pumpkin Carving Pumpkin Essays

A senior editor at Time magazine, Chambers had written a scathingly satirical editorial critical of the Yalta agreements. Pumpkin Essays to Chambers, "the purpose of this group at that time was not primarily espionage. Its original purpose was the communist Pumpki of the American government.

But espionage was certainly one of its eventual objectives. Infiltration and invisible political influence were immoral, but arguably not illegal. Espionage was treason, traditionally punishable by death. He had been studying the FBI's files for five months, Pumpkin Essays of J. Edgar Hoover. Nixon launched his political career in hot pursuit of Hiss and the alleged secret Communists of the New Deal.

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BerleJr. In two other sources appeared to implicate Hiss. In SeptemberIgor Gouzenkoa year-old Ukrainian whose three-year tour as a cipher clerk stationed at the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa was coming to an end, defected from the Soviet Pumpkin Essays and remained in Canada. Secretary of State Stettinius was a Soviet agent. When informed of this, Hoover assumed Gouzenko was referring to Alger Hiss. State Department.

Pumpkin Essays

Testifying on August 5,he denied having ever been a communist or having personally Pumpkin Essays Easays. Under fire from President Truman and the press, the Committee was reluctant to proceed with its investigation against so eminent a man. Confronted with him in person in a hotel elevator with HUAC representatives present, Hiss admitted that he had indeed known Chambers, but Pumpkin Essays the name "George Crosley", a man who represented himself as a freelance writer.

Pumpkin Essays

Hiss said that in the mids he had sublet his apartment to this "Crosley" and had given him an old car. Did you ever go under the name of George Crosley? Not to my knowledge.


Did you ever sublet an apartment on Twenty-ninth Street from me? No; I did not. You did not? Did you ever spend any time with your wife and child in an apartment on Twenty-ninth Street in Pumpkin Essays when I was not there because I and my family were living on P Street? I most certainly did.

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You did or did not? I did.

Pumpkin Essays

Would you tell me how you reconcile your negative answers with this affirmative answer? Very easily, Alger. Link was a Communist and you were a Communist. Marbury Jr. Chambers retaliated by claiming Hiss was not merely a communist, but also a spy, a charge he had not made earlier; and, on November 17,to support his explosive allegations he produced physical evidence consisting of sixty-five pages of re-typed State Department documents, the last of which was dated April 1,plus four notes in Hiss's handwriting summarizing the contents of State Pumpkin Essays cables.

These became known as the "Baltimore documents". Chambers claimed Hiss had given them to him in and that Priscilla had retyped them Hiss could not Esssays on the Hisses' Woodstock typewriter for Pumpkin Essays to pass along to the Soviets.

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Hiss initially denied writing the note, but experts confirmed it was his handwriting. By introducing the Baltimore documents, Chambers admitted he had previously lied, opening both Hiss and himself to perjury charges. Chambers also gave a new date for his own break with the Communist Party, an important point in his accusations against Hiss. For over nine years, beginning September 1,he had Pumpkin Essays to have quit the Party in ]

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