Probation Essays -

Probation Essays - the same

These professionals supervise individuals involved in the justice system by working to identify their risk factors as well as resources to with their reintegration into society. Probation officers work with released inmates in a few ways to help begin new lives. Probation Office of the District of Columbia reveals that legislators established the probation officer role with the Probation Act of In different areas, job growth in the field varies depending on fund earmarked for parole services. Probation officers monitor criminal offenders and make sure that the individuals do not pose a threat to the public and follow their rehabilitation plans.

Probation Essays - doesn't matter!

Age of victim for first crime — A. According to lecture, how can CCOs use needs assessment in community corrections work? According to Viglione and colleagues , how does risk and needs assessment contribute to improving community corrections practice? Which of the following is the type of assessment tool that best predicts offender behavior, according to the readings and lecture? Clinical assessment Financial assessment Thematic assessment Indicate the most appropriate term for developing assessment tools for each of the following findings about hypothetical i. Probation Essays

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Probation Essays Probation Essays

Terms and Conditions for the Program The child must - Report to the probation officer Probation Essays times each month until or unless directed differently. Justification for the Special Conditions Jimmy Richardson, the subject of the probation agreement is a fifteen year old Centervale High School freshman with no past criminal history.

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Both of them smelled of alcohol at the time of the arrest. The local police believe that Richardson is involved in a gang and that he used drugs at school. Richardson blames his predicament on depression arising from the impending divorce of his parents. They are also meant to rehabilitate him by enabling to Probation Essays fact that two wrongs do not make a right.

Probation Essays

The twenty hours community service requirement is meant to occupy him during his free time. Richardson will also be required to be read more home between 9. This is meant to keep him off criminal activities as most of these activities take place at night. The requirement to report whenever he is approached by members of any gang is meant to Probation Essays him keep off these gangs and also possibly lead to the arrest of members of this gang so as to Probation Essays them from luring other youth into crime as well as alcohol and substance abuse. Bannock County Juvenile Justice Department.

Juvenile Crime and Justice. London: Sage.

The Probation Officer And Offender Role

Hess, K. Juvenile Justice. Connecticut: Cengage Learning. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Retrieved Novemeber 23,from U. Juvenile Justice: Policies, Programs and Practices 3rd ed.]

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