Personal Narrative: My Mentor -

Personal Narrative: My Mentor - what?

Being able to spend so much time with the children has really been a great opportunity to see them grow both physically and mentally. While assessing how developed the different ages are, I was also able to see how similar they are. Although it was difficult trying to find time, and manage it; developing my project taught me how to be more organized. I had to find different hours to go to the pre-school so that I could see and be there during different activities that they would do throughout the day; so that required me having to ask for more days off at work, as well as getting another …show more content… I decided to do two different art projects: the first was to see how they used their motor skills and how well they could follow directions given. The second was to see how well their writing skills were. An employable skill that this project has taught me is how important communication is. Personal Narrative: My Mentor

Personal Narrative: My Mentor - think, that

To achieve this goal, I hopefully plan to overcome the extreme case of procrastination that I have for the time being and stop making extremely terrible decisions with my time. After I achieve this goal, I plan on looking forward into even higher education. However, my current issues with my post-college goals is that I am unsure of what colleges or universities that I should look into, nor do I know the difference between the advantages of pursuing Automotive Engineering or Mechanical Engineering but I will cross that bridge when I get to it. To add onto this goal, I have another goal of having a loving and caring family. The main reason on why I have this goal is that the family that I have had was indeed memorable but was mostly cruel to each other. The last goal that I have in mind is becoming financially able to afford traveling across the country completely at my own leisure. I do have some friends that live in the state of Michigan, but I have better friends that I have a stronger bond with and would like to be able to meet… Cite This Work.

This was a field trip for the eighth grade drama classes at both Thomas Harrison and Skyline.

Personal Narrative: My Mentor

We had all gotten to the school at around six, six thirty and filled on to the bus. I sat in seat that was pretty much in middle of the bus I had Nicole next me and Gabby behind me.

Personal Narrative: My Mentor

The ride there wasnt to eventful, it consisted mainly of me and Gabby sharing headphones to listen to Personal Narrative: My Mentor and then at times all of us talking. We had arrived at Barter at around eleven thirty. We all went in and got our food then went outside and sat down in a circle under some trees. Of course there were a ton of people running around and goofing Naerative: during this time so things got a little crazy. I mean we were eighth… Once we were there we all sat down and waited for the show to begin.


The show was going great and we were all really enjoying it. Then we reached intermission, where some of us switched seats so that we could sit with different people for the second act.

Personal Narrative: My Mentor

Once the show ended we were directed up to the balcony seating where we got to ask some of the actors questions about the show and about Barter. After this we split back up into our schools and then we were given tours of the Barter Theatre, we got to see their costume room, backstage, and many other neat… More Essay Examples:.]

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